Flush AVL addresses critical need for non-potable water in Asheville

Press release from Flush AVL:

Asheville, NC – The Asheville community is coming together like never before in the face of an ongoing public health crisis; if waste is left in toilets, disease will spread. In response to a vital community need identified through grassroots efforts, Flush AVL is stepping up to ensure that no one is left without access to non-potable flushing water in all neighborhoods of Asheville and the surrounding areas impacted by the water outage.
In partnership with Highland Brewing, BeLoved Asheville, and Plenty.org, our mission is clear: to distribute IBC totes (intermediate bulk containers) across the city to provide essential flushing water. Many amazing individuals and grassroots groups in the communities of this region have been working on this issue, but to the best of our knowledge, no other organization is addressing this issue on the scale of Flush AVL. We are committed to filling this gap until water access is restored, operating as a community-driven initiative without federal or state funding.
Call to Action:
For the next 48 hours, we urgently need our neighbors with immediate access to IBC totes to bring them to Highland Brewing for donation. Your contributions are crucial; without these totes, we cannot supply non-potable flushing water to our communities. The clock is ticking—together, we need to gather as many totes as possible, and fast!
To further assist in our efforts, our team has developed an interactive map for our dispatch crews to streamline the distribution of totes throughout our communities.
If you need a non-potable tote in your neighborhood or apartment building, or if you have a tote that needs to be filled with flushing water, please reach out to our website at flushavl.com.
Together, let’s turn the tide and ensure that every community member has access to this basic necessity.
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