Haywood Community College hosts drive-thru trick-or-treating event

News release from Haywood Community College:
Haywood Community College is bringing back a favorite community event, the Boo-Thru. This drive-thru trick-or-treating event is designed to bring some Halloween fun to the community in a unique way.
As the area continues to recover from hurricane Helene, offering community connectivity opportunities is an important part of these efforts.
The Boo-Thru will allow families in the community to come to campus for trick-or-treating without the pressure of a costume or even leaving their car. HCC recognizes that community partners and neighbors have other areas of focus at this time. Whether that’s community locations that usually conduct a Halloween event now being a supply distribution center or even our neighborhoods or neighbors not being able to support Halloween the same this year.
HCC employees and students will line the parking lot around Hemlock, which will have two candy stop stations available for guests. There will be some decorations and a festive setting.
Open and free to the public, the HCC Boo-Thru will be held on Tuesday, October 29 from 6-8pm or until the candy is all distributed.
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