Helene forestry event addresses wildfire risks

Press release from EcoForesters:
EcoForesters will be hosting an event for landowners in Yancey and Mitchell counties to provide resources for post-disaster management. Western North Carolina was devastated by Hurricane Helene, with record winds and flooding resulting in a massive amount of downed trees and debris. According to reports by the NC Forest Service, Mitchell county lost approximately 50% of its trees. Surrounding counties reported similar damage, contributing to the over 800,000 acres of forests impacted by Helene. As we head into warmer, drier months, this debris increases the risk of severe wildfires, which are already being witnessed in counties like Polk. Since 70% of forests in WNC are privately owned, providing support to forest landowners is critical in mitigating this threat.
To address this issue, EcoForesters will host a Post-Helene forest landowner event at the Burnsville Town Center on Saturday, April 12th at 10AM. This event will bring together agencies, nonprofits, and contractors providing resources to forest landowners, along with presentations on topics such as wildfire mitigation, non-native invasive species treatment, erosion control, and debris removal. Some partners that will be in attendance include Blue Ridge RC&D, NC Cooperative Extension, Southern Blue Ridge Prescribed Burn Association, the North Carolina Forest Service, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and many local businesses that are helping landowners. Funding for this event is provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. For more information and registration, visit https://www.ecoforesters.org/outreach-events/ or call (828) 484-6842.

About EcoForesters
Though most forests in Western North Carolina are privately owned, less than 25% have a management plan. In the absence of planning, forests are subjected to invasive species, development pressures and weather extremes as a result of climate change. The impacts of Helene have worsened these pressures, with an estimated 27% of forestland sustaining damage from the storm. Additionally, 78% of trees that were damaged are on private forestland, exacerbating the need for management resources in our region.
There once was a time when doing no harm was considered enough.  This usually meant not cutting any trees or developing your forest. But the time for doing nothing has passed, and we must be intentional in how we steward the land. The need for management is more pressing than ever, as Helene’s impact increased severe wildfire risk, provided areas for non-native invasive species to take control, and damaged soil and riparian areas. EcoForesters is a non-profit forest management group in Asheville whose mission is to conserve and restore Appalachian forests through education and stewardship. In the months following Helene, EcoForesters has been committed to providing resources and support to landowners in WNC and increasing capacity for agency and nonprofit partners in their disaster relief efforts.
Helping landowners manager their forests post-Helene
Native forests in the Appalachian region have been greatly impacted by clear-cuts, repeated high-grading, invasive species, and other unsustainable forestry practices. Providing easy access to education and resources plays an essential role in increasing the health and resiliency of our forests. EcoForesters aims to connect with landowners by connecting healthy forests to their values, allowing conservation and individual objectives to go hand in hand. This event will also provide professionals with the opportunity to learn from landowners and where they are struggling post-disaster, which in turn informs future outreach and event planning.
Preparing communities for threats to local forests
Educating landowners and rural communities about current and future threats will have a landscape impact on the future resiliency of our forests and the benefits they provide to local towns and businesses. These threats include damaging pests and diseases, destructive invasive plants, and fragmentation caused by parcelization of family lands. Additionally, the effects of Helene will encourage the spread of invasive plants and pests, threatening plant and animal biodiversity, further changing the ecological make-up of our region. This event will provide landowners and communities with the knowledge and resources to improve forest health and mitigate storm damage. This will ensure natural benefits like clean water, carbon sequestration, and wildlife habitat remain on the landscape.
EcoForesters is a non-profit professional forestry organization dedicated to conserving and restoring our Appalachian forests through education and stewardship. Forestland owners and local communities benefit from EcoForesters’ ability to develop and implement forest stewardship strategies that promote future forest sustainability and resiliency. Through community forestry programs, landowner workshops, and innovative stewardship collaborations, EcoForesters emphasizes sound ecological management. We are actively making positive impacts on the Appalachian landscape while still helping landowners achieve their individual management objectives.

Please contact Willow McNeil if you have additional questions regarding the event or how EcoForesters’ mission driven forestry is making a difference in Western North Carolina.

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