Henderson County Education Foundation seeks nominations for 2021 Education Hall of Fame

Press release from Henderson County Education Foundation:

The Henderson County Education Foundation is now seeking nominations for the 2021 Education Hall of Fame. Honorees for the Hall of Fame have demonstrated measurable influence or made significant contributions to the growth and development of education in Henderson County.

The Hall of Fame provides an opportunity for special recognition of men and women who have led our community’s focus on educational excellence in Henderson County for decades. The Hall also provides the community with a focus for preserving the County’s exciting educational history. One of only five Education Halls of Fame in North Carolina, membership in the HCEF Hall of Fame involves the selection of up to five nominees for induction each year. Over 130 teachers, administrators, support staff, school board members and donors have been honored since the Hall of Fame was founded in 2003.

Those selected for induction into the 2021 Class will be announced in February 2021 and honored at the annual Education Celebration event planned for April 27, 2021 at Jeter Mountain Farm. Members of the Hall are also honored in a display at the Central Office building of the Henderson County Public Schools.

Nominations of candidates for inclusion in the 2021 Education Hall of Fame class and required supporting materials must be submitted to the Foundation by November 30, 2020. Detailed guidelines for nominations and selection criteria can be found at http://hcefnc.org/ourwork/halloffame/. Contact the Foundation with questions at 828.697.5551 or via email at info@hcefnc.org.

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