Hendersonville’s water system substantially restored to normal operations

Press release from City of Hendersonville:

Hendersonville, NC (October 10, 2024) – The City of Hendersonville is pleased to announce that the water system has been substantially restored to normal operations. Today, water service was fully restored to the Hoopers Creek area, marking the completion of the system-wide restoration efforts.
“The dedication of our staff has been nothing short of remarkable,” said Utilities Director Adam Steurer. “Our team worked around the clock, often under challenging conditions, to restore water service as quickly and safely as possible. Their tireless efforts, along with the support from our mutual aid partners and the cooperation of the community, made this restoration happen with such efficiency.” Utilities Director Steurer also emphasized the City of Hendersonville’s strong commitment to investing in resilient infrastructure, which played a crucial role in the speed and success of the utility’s recovery efforts.
Approximately 4% of the utility’s 80,0000 customers, including those in the Hoopers Creek area, remain under a System Pressure Advisory. This advisory will remain in effect until water quality tests confirm that it is safe for consumption. Residents can find updates and view a map showing the status of water advisories by visiting www.hvlnc.gov/wateralerts.
The City extends its deepest gratitude to the community for their cooperation in conserving water during this critical period. The collective effort helped maintain essential services while repairs were underway. Thanks to the support of Hendersonville residents and customers, and the dedicated efforts of our staff and mutual aid partners, the voluntary water conservation directive has now been lifted.
Although the conservation recommendations have been lifted, the Hendersonville Water Department encourages residents to continue practicing mindful water use where possible. Ongoing conservation helps ensure that the utility can remain resilient and extend assistance to neighboring communities in need.
For additional information or updates, please visit www.hvlnc.gov/wateralerts.
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