Prayerful pro-life campaign returns to Asheville Sept. 23

From the press release:

Peaceful, prayerful, effective 40 Days for Life campaign to be held in Asheville

ASHEVILLE, NC – On September 23, the highly successful 40 Days for Life campaign returns to Asheville with 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach. Matthew Bradley, coordinator of the local campaign, said, “We pray that these efforts will help mark the beginning of the end of abortion in Asheville.”

40 Days for Life begins September 23 and continues through November 1. “Abortion takes a tremendous toll in our city,” said Bradley, “but many people aren’t even aware of it. We will share the facts with as many people as possible during the 40-day campaign,” Bradley said.

“Preborn children are our neighbors, and many of these neighbors are killed not very far from where we live & where we worship in our churches,” said Meredith Eugene Hunt, director of Asheville’s Life Advocates, a pro-life group. The ministry of presence is applicable to everyone who believes that abortion kills a child, Hunt, who is acting as advisor to the Asheville 40 Days campaign, continued. “To love preborn children as our neighbors, we would love them as we do our own children, and we would want to be near the places of death and suffering, if for nothing else than to silently testify to their humanity.”

40 Days for Life is a peaceful, highly-focused, ecumenical initiative that focuses on 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil at abortion facilities, and grassroots educational outreach. The 40-day time frame is drawn from examples throughout Biblical history.

The campaign will feature a peaceful 40-day prayer vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood at 68 McDowell St. All prayer vigil participants are asked to sign a statement of peace, pledging to conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner at all times.

“40 Days for Life has generated proven life-saving results since its beginning in 2004 in Bryan/College Station, Texas,” said Shawn Carney, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life. “During 16 previous coordinated campaigns, 579 communities have participated in this effort. More than 650,000 people – representing some 18,500 churches – have committed to pray and fast. And we know of at least 10,331 unborn children whose lives were spared from abortion during 40 Days for Life campaigns.”

For information about 40 Days for Life in Asheville, visit:

About Jeff Fobes
As a long-time proponent of media for social change, my early activities included coordinating the creation of a small community FM radio station to serve a poor section of St. Louis, Mo. In the 1980s I served as the editor of the "futurist" newsletter of the U.S. Association for the Club of Rome, a professional/academic group with a global focus and a mandate to act locally. During that time, I was impressed by a journalism experiment in Mississippi, in which a newspaper reporter spent a year in a small town covering how global activities impacted local events (e.g., literacy programs in Asia drove up the price of pulpwood; soybean demand in China impacted local soybean prices). Taking a cue from the Mississippi journalism experiment, I offered to help the local Green Party in western North Carolina start its own newspaper, which published under the name Green Line. Eventually the local party turned Green Line over to me, giving Asheville-area readers an independent, locally focused news source that was driven by global concerns. Over the years the monthly grew, until it morphed into the weekly Mountain Xpress in 1994. I've been its publisher since the beginning. Mountain Xpress' mission is to promote grassroots democracy (of any political persuasion) by serving the area's most active, thoughtful readers. Consider Xpress as an experiment to see if such a media operation can promote a healthy, democratic and wise community. In addition to print, today's rapidly evolving Web technosphere offers a grand opportunity to see how an interactive global information network impacts a local community when the network includes a locally focused media outlet whose aim is promote thoughtful citizen activism. Follow me @fobes

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