Reynolds Volunteer Fire Dept. & Reynolds Baptist Church opens food and water depot

From Reynolds Volunteer Fire Department:

Today, Reynolds Volunteer Fire Department in partnership with Reynolds Baptist Church, opened a depot for our community stocked with clean water, non-perishable foods, clothing, toiletries, baby supplies and other critical goods. All of these resources have been generously donated over the past week. The depot currently has a 6,200 gallon potable water tank donated by the World Central Kitchen that is available to residents who bring their own vessels to fill. Please do not use this clean water for non-potable purposes. Non-potable water is available 24 hours a day at Reynolds Volunteer Fire Department a half mile away at 1 Charles Lytle Lane, Asheville NC 28803. Again, bring your own containers.
The depot will be open daily from 9am to 4pm and is located at:
Reynolds Baptist Church, Family Life Center
520 Rose Hill Road
Asheville, NC 28803
Note that the family life center is in the back of the property behind the sanctuary.
Reynolds Volunteer Fire Department is a Buncombe County Department working to support our community after the devastating impacts of Tropical Storm Helene. More information about Reynolds VFD can be found at
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