Shannon Hunt receives North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented’s Outstanding Teacher Award

Press release from Asheville City Schools:

Asheville City Schools is excited to announce that Claxton Elementary School’s Shannon Hunt has been awarded the North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented’s Outstanding Teacher Award.  

Hunt discovered she’d received the award during a surprise announcement with her students, family and building administrators earlier today.  Jo Landreth, Ira B. Jones’ Assistant Principal and a NCAGT Board Member, presented her with the award.
“I was shocked, surprised, honored and thrilled,” said Hunt.  “It makes you reflect back on your career.  I’ve been in Asheville City since 2003.  It was really emotional because half of the fun of education is all the relationships you make along the way.  So, to see people that have been with me when the job’s hard and when the job’s fun, it was very emotional because I couldn’t be the teacher I am without those people.”
This year marks Hunt’s 25th in the classroom.  For her, teaching is a calling and a career that fulfills her even when it’s hard.
“My students mean everything to me,” said Hunt.  “There the reason why I get up each morning.  And, my mission is to challenge kids and continue to inspire them to learn so that we can solve some of our world’s problems.”

According to Hunt’s students, that’s exactly what her teaching does.  

“I think that Mrs. Hunt is very deserving of this award for the reason that she is one of the best teachers I have come across,” said Estrella Monreno-Maldonado, a current SILSA 9th Grader and former Claxton student.  “She was always there if I ever needed someone to talk to [and] always encouraged me to try my best when I felt like I could not complete an assignment…I am very thankful to have had Mrs. Hunt during such an important time in my academic and personal development.”
The NCAGT Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted Award is presented annually to a North Carolina teacher of gifted children/youth who exhibits a strong commitment to gifted education through professional experience, professional organizations, and/or services in the area of education for the gifted.  As this year’s recipient, Hunt will receive an award valued at $250 and complimentary conference registration for the following year.  
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