Share ideas with Asheville Parks & Recreation Director during park bench chats

Press release from the City of Asheville:

Do you have ideas for Asheville’s parks and recreation facilities? Join Asheville Parks & Recreation (APR) Director D. Tyrell McGirt for one-on-one or small group conversations during casual “Park Bench Chats.”

“We believe that our parks and recreation system is strongest when it reflects the needs and desires of our community,” according to McGirt. “I had many wonderful conversations during workshops as part of grassroots engagement building the forthcoming Recreate Asheville plan, a 10-year vision to guide parks and recreation decisions. Park Bench Chats events are a natural extension to keep the conversation going in relaxed settings.”

Dates & Details

Sign up for a 20-minute slot up to 45 days before each date at this link: Drop-ins may be accommodated if time allows.

Can’t Make It in Person?

No worries! Community members may also submit their thoughts and suggestions to

Asheville Parks & Recreation

With its oldest parks dating to the 1890s, Asheville Parks & Recreation manages a unique collection of more than 65 public parks, playgrounds, and open spaces throughout the city in a system that also includes full-complex recreation centers, swimming pools, Riverside Cemetery, sports fields and courts, and community centers that offer a variety of wellness-, education-, and culture-related programs for Ashevillians of all ages. With 10 miles of paved greenways and numerous natural surface trails, its complete portfolio acts as the foundation of a vibrant hub for the people of Asheville to connect with their neighbors and explore the natural beauty of a livable and walkable city.

Driven by the promise that Asheville is a better and safer place when everyone from infants to retirees has the opportunity to be supported, healthy, and successful, Asheville Parks & Recreation was the first nationally-accredited municipal recreation department in the United States. For latest updates, sign up for Asheville Parks & Recreation’s monthly newsletter, follow the department on Facebook (@aprca) and Instagram (@ashevilleparksandrecreation), or visit

Find a copy of this press release on Asheville City News.

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