Share your input to shape the downtown Business Improvement District services

From City of Asheville Communication & Public Engagement Department:

The City of Asheville is seeking input from the public, including those who live, work and visit downtown, to help further shape the service needs and priorities for the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) based on the following focus areas:

  • Safety & Hospitality: Ensuring a welcoming and secure environment for everyone

  • Enhanced Cleaning: Keeping our downtown clean and well-maintained

  • Special Projects: Undertaking initiatives that enhance the downtown experience

The City will soon issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to contract with a service provider who will deliver these supplemental services within the defined district. To see the map of the district, click here. 

The community participating in this input opportunity will help inform the service requirements outlined in the RFP and, ultimately, the services provided by the contracted BID operator. The survey will take approximately 5-8 minutes to complete.

Recognizing there are direct costs to property owners and indirect costs to people who rent, lease or spend money downtown, the survey is open to all residents.

What will the City do with this information?

The input received from this survey will be used to inform the services outlined in the request for proposals (RFP) for a BID service provider. Community feedback is vital in ensuring that the services requested meet, to the fullest extent possible, the needs and priorities of the community.

“Community input is critical to the success of the BID,” said Assistant City Manager Ben Woody. “The survey is an opportunity for staff to better understand and incorporate the needs and priorities of all those impacted by the additional tax.”

More information on the BID

A BID is a specialized municipal service district, authorized by North Carolina General Statute.They are designed to provide enhanced services, facilities, or functions to specific areas within a city. These districts are defined by ordinance, based on a finding that they require additional services compared to the rest of the city.

On June 11, 2024, City Council authorized the creation of a Business Improvement District in an area roughly aligned with Asheville’s Central Business District and a tax rate (.0877 per $100assessed valuation of taxable property). City Council also passed a resolution that outlines the desired services, reporting and engagement requirements for the contracted BID operator, and the governance/advisory structure to be implemented.

For more information on the Downtown BID, visit the project page.

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