Silent vigil for immigration reform at Henderson County historic courthouse, May 21

Press release from Progressive Alliance of Henderson County:

Progressive Alliance of Henderson County hosts a silent vigil for immigration reform on Friday, May 21, 4-4:30 p.m., in front of the Henderson County historic courthouse. Silent vigils are held on the third Friday of every month. Signs will be provided or participants are welcome to bring their own.

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One thought on “Silent vigil for immigration reform at Henderson County historic courthouse, May 21

  1. Art Fritog

    If this is to RESTORE legal immigration laws and protect both children, abused by their parents I am interested. If it is to allow criminals in and out of the Nation, not so much. No other country takes millions of illegals and we as a Nation allow more LEGAL IMMIGRANTS THAN ANY OTHER IN THE WORLD. I would also accept if everyone present would feed, clothe, take care of children, adopt, and pay medical bills for at least one family whether they are gang members, from muslim countries or China. Hopefully your minds and hearts are willing to see and practice your beliefs. I have a family from Ecuador that I am currently trying desperately to bring from detention center to live with my family. God Bless America.

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