The Billy Graham Training Center reopens following coronavirus closure

Press release from The Billy Graham Training Center:

The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove will open all facilities beginning Wednesday, June 10.
“We’ve traveled a unique road over the last few months as our country and world have been gripped by the coronavirus pandemic. People have experienced loneliness, fear and frustration,” said Will Graham, executive director of The Cove. “It is our prayer that as we reopen The Cove, our visitors and guests will experience the hope and peace of Jesus in a new and refreshing way.”
The Cove staff looks forward to welcoming guests to upcoming seminars and events at the Training Center as well as to the Chatlos Memorial Chapel and Visitors Center, Ruth’s Prayer Garden, and Ruth’s Attic bookstore with added precautionary measures being implemented.
“We look forward to welcoming guests back to the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove,” said Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. “God is still in the life-changing business; His Gospel was not shut down during this pandemic. During uncertain times, like this coronavirus, people need to hear more of God’s love and the hope available through His Son, Jesus Christ, not less.”
Procedures are in place to ensure compliance with social distancing standards according to North Carolina’s Phase 2 guidelines. Added hand sanitizing stations and increased cleaning of high-touch surfaces will be in place. Visitors are encouraged to follow CDC guidelines for being in public places. Of course, anyone with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should not visit at this time, though we look forward to hosting them when they are well. A full list of precautionary measures can be found at:
Upcoming events include:

  • June 29-July 3: Intensive Bible Training—John: The Gospel of Wisdom with Michael Card
  • July 6-10: Intensive Bible Training—Abraham: The Friend of God and the Mirror of the Gospel of God with Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
  • July 18: An Evening at The Cove with Phil Keaggy
  • July 27-31: Intensive Bible Training—Daniel and Revelation: How God Wrote History in Advance with Alex McFarland

For additional information on the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove, including updates and announcements, visit

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