Town of Webster celebrates opening of new pavilion

From left, Jackson County Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Steve Baxley, Laurie Bryson, Webster Town Board member Allen Davis, Webster Vice Mayor Leigh Anne Young, Webster Mayor Tracy Rodes, Webster Board Members Dale Collins and Brandon Core, and Chamber Ambassador Marne Harris. Photo by Kelly Donaldson/Jackson County Chamber of Commerce

Press release fromĀ Jackson County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center:

The Jackson County Chamber of Commerce Ambassador team held a grand opening/ribbon cutting on Sunday, May 5 for the new pavilion in the Town of Webster.

The new pavilion is located in between the softball field park and the former Southwestern Child Development Center at 1528 Webster Rd., in Webster, N.C. There were food trucks, music by J. Rex and His High Mountain Pals, cake and cupcakes, yard games, and a traditional May Pole Dance. N.C. Senator Kevin Corbin and N.C. Rep. Mike Clampitt attended and spoke briefly, as did Town of Webster Mayor Tracy Rodes and Jackson County Parks and Recreation Director Michael Hopkins.

The event, “Celebrate Webster,” was organized by Town of Webster Vice Mayor Leigh Anne Young, the Town of Webster Board and its planning committee.

The Town of Webster wanted to recognize the following organizations for their assistance with the event and in securing the pavilion: Jackson County Parks & Recreation, Southwestern Commission, Jackson County Commissioners, Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, Jackson County Board of Education, Duke Energy, and Walmart of Sylva.

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