Town of Woodfin hosts groundbreaking of Taylor’s Wave at Riverside Park

Press release from the Town of Woodfin:

The Town of Woodfin and its partners are delighted to announce that a contract for the much- anticipated Taylor’s Wave project has been signed and construction will be underway shortly. The Town’s popular Riverside Park will also be doubled in size as part of this effort.

Please join us to celebrate:

Friday, June 21
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
1476 Riverside Drive, Woodfin, NC
Celebrate the start of construction, tour the site, learn about the design + construction, and hear from community leaders and partners.

Speakers include:

Shannon Tuch, Woodfin Town Manager
Jerry Vehaun, Former Woodfin Mayor
Julie Mayfield, NC State Senator
Amanda Edwards + Terri Wells, Buncombe County Commissioners Vic Isley, CEO + President, Explore Asheville

Marc Hunt, Strategic Advisor and Woodfin Greenway + Blueway advocate

For additional information and background:

To learn more about Woodfin Greenway Blueway and for Frequently Asked Questions, please go here.

You can also find a 3-minute video further explaining the Wave here. And a complete list of project partners here.

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