Trailblazer Award presented to Madison County’s Sherrye Perry

Press release from Land of Sky Regional Council:

Sherrye Perry received the eighth annual Trailblazer Award on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at the monthly Board of Delegates meeting at Land of Sky Regional Council.  The award was presented by Madison County Manager Rod Honeycutt.  The award is given annually to a professional in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, or Transylvania Counties who is a pioneer and innovator in the field of aging and adult services.  

Sherrye tirelessly advocates for older adults in rural Madison County, throughout Western North Carolina, and across the state.  With a strong background in finance, sales, and marketing, she began a new career in healthcare in 2014. For the past six years, she has worked at Brightstar Care as the Director of Client Relations and is a board-certified patient advocate.  In this role, she ensures clients receive the care needed and family caregivers are supported. 

In 2017, Sherrye was appointed as the Delegate for Madison County with the NC Senior Tar Heel Legislature.  In this role, she identifies the most pressing issues facing older adults and develops priorities around these needs, with the ultimate goal to propose new legislation that will improve their quality of life.  In April, she became a Land of Sky Regional Council Board of Delegates At-Large Member representing Madison County expanding her public service role.  

Sherrye leads a highly attended monthly gathering for providers serving in the field of aging, Senior Care Professionals.  This meeting gives professionals the opportunity to share best practices, become educated on various age-related topics, and network with colleagues from across the region.

Through all these connections, Sherrye accomplishments are impressive, but her character truly makes her a community leader and inspiration to others.  Her integrity, positivity, compassion, sense of humor, work ethic, and love for her profession set her apart.  She quickly puts people at ease with her openness and ability to find common ground which is to support older adults and caregivers.

The plaque awarded to Sherrye read: “In recognition of Sherrye’s enthusiastic leadership and inspiring collaborations in the delivery of programs for older adults in our region, for her dedication to older adults residing in care facilities and those receiving care at home, and for being a voice for older adults in Madison County as a member of the Senior Tar Heel Legislature, we present the 2024 Trailblazer Award to Sherrye Perry.”

Land of Sky Regional Council is a multi-county, local government planning and development organization serving Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania Counties.  It is one of 16 such organizations throughout North Carolina.

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