USDA Secretary to visit Weaverville Primary School

News release from United States Department of Agriculture:

On Friday, June 7, 2024, representatives from USDA will visit Weaverville Primary School (Buncombe County Schools), in Weaverville, North Carolina, to uplift healthy school meals for our students; and summer feeding programs for kids when school is not in session. The representatives will experience students eating healthy lunch and students engaging in fun-filled learning activities highlighting the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables.

WHO: Deputy Under Secretary Stacy Dean, USDA Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services

Dr. Rob Jackson, Superintendent, Buncombe County Schools

Dr. Lynn Harvey, Director, School Nutrition Services, NC Department of Public Instruction

Lisa Payne, School Nutrition Director, Buncombe County Schools

WHERE: Weaverville Primary School, 39 S. Main St., Weaverville, NC, 28782
Press please arrive at 11:15 am (EST). In addition to pre-taped interviews and
social media engagement, there is availability with the Deputy Under Secretary for live-shot interviews for mid-day/noon broadcasts.

Background Information and Resources

USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recently announced $26 million in new grants to support schools’ efforts to serve nutritious and delicious foods to students.
Press Release: FNS Announces $26 Million of Investments in School Meal Programs | Food and Nutrition Service (

SUN Bucks is a new grocery benefit available across most of the U.S. Families with eligible school-aged children can get $120 per child to buy groceries during the summer. Families can receive SUN Bucks on top of other benefits like SNAP and WIC, and children can continue to enjoy free SUN Meals from local meal sites or with SUN Meals To-Go.

Press Release: Biden-Harris Administration Makes History Launching New Suite of Summer Nutrition Programs to Help Tackle Hunger and Improve Healthy Eating for Millions of Children | Food and Nutrition Service (

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