Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG) Asheville is open

Press release from Veterinary Emergency Group Asheville: 

Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG) Asheville has reopened its doors to treat pets in need following its closure due to Hurricane Helene. The emergency veterinary hospital will be fully staffed and prepared to assist with all pet emergencies, providing care when needed most in the community.

Dr. Katie Havill, Medical Director VEG Asheville, would like to offer local pet owners life-saving pet safety advice, including:

  • How and why it’s crucial to keep pets away from dead fish, algae, and fishing gear that may have traveled during the flooding.
  • Essential first aid tips such as stopping blood loss quickly, treating burns appropriately, administering pet CPR, and recognizing dangerous symptoms.
  • How to save a dog from a near-fatal drowning experience.
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