Workshop offered on nonprofit leadership succession planning

Press release from WNC Nonprofit Pathways:

Change in leadership is inevitable, and organizations can either be prepared for it or be blind-sided by it. WNC Nonprofit Pathways will help nonprofits prepare for it in an upcoming workshop led by consultant Greg Walker Wilson of Asheville. Called “Leadership Change is Inevitable: Succession Planning for Nonprofits” the workshop will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 6, at the ARC, upstairs of the TRAC Gallery at 269 Oak Avenue in Spruce Pine. The cost is $15 for the first registrant from an organization and $10 each for up to three more from the same organization. Lunch is included in the fee.

During the workshop Wilson will talk about the need for and elements of succession planning under various scenarios, including the ideal one where the organization has time to prepare for planned departures, whether by key staff or the executive director or the board chair. He will show how to improve internal leadership development. Sometimes changes in leadership occur without the time to plan for them, and attendees will learn what elements to consider in developing an emergency succession plan. And finally, changing board chairs generally happens more frequently than executive directors, and there should be a plan for board chair succession. Wilson will address that topic as well.
His workshop on succession planning is intended for nonprofit organizations of any size and is structured both for individual attendees and for teams from the same nonprofit. For a link to register for the workshop, please send an email to or call Susan Larson at 828-765-2652.

Greg Walker Wilson has consulted with nonprofit organizations, large corporations, government entities, and small businesses for more than 20 years on local, state, national, and international levels. He has written and presented extensively on boards, social enterprise, executive transitions, earned income, and coaching. Greg has chaired numerous boards and has served as Treasurer and Strategic Planning Chair for the NC Center for Nonprofits. During his 11-year tenure as CEO of Mountain BizWorks, the organization achieved national recognition in small business development. He has received numerous awards, including, for his commitment to empower women, the Athena Award from the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. He is the only man ever to receive the award.

Greg has a BA from Bluffton University, a BS in Industrial Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, an MA in International Development from American University, a certificate in Non-Profit Management from Duke University, and a certificate in Advanced Personal and Executive Coaching from the College of Executive Coaching. Greg is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation.

About Able Allen
Able studied political science and history at Warren Wilson College. He enjoys travel, dance, games, theater, blacksmithing and the great outdoors. Follow me @AbleLAllen

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