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Live lighter on the earth at Westwood, a unique Co-Housing Community!

3 bedroom/2 bath home. The end-unit features solar-assisted radiant floor heating, spacious deck, open floor plan and more. Enjoy all the benefits of a co-housing lifestyle of a co-housing community. 43 Vermont Ct UNIT A4, Asheville, NC 28806. Visit westwoodcohousing.com or VermontCourtA4.com for details. $449,000. Contact Terry Horner at 828-712-6340 or Jim Reid at 828-606-0590 for information. Offered by Preferred Properties of Asheville. 828-712-6340

Phone: 828-712-6340

Property Information
Type: Condo
Price: 449000
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Street Address: 43 Vermont Ct UNIT A4
City: Asheville
State: NC
