The Asheville Film Society presents The Little Shop of Horrors and A Bucket of Blood on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 7 p.m. with an introduction from Xpress film critic Scott Douglas at Eurisko Beer Co., 255 Short Come Ave., Asheville.

Dick Miller Double Feature
Movie Information
In Brief: The Asheville Film Society kicks off its 2019 screenings with a bang by honoring the lengthy and illustrious career of legendary character actor Dick Miller with a double bill showcasing some of the recently deceased icon's best work with schlock auteur Roger Corman. First up, we have Corman's 1960 The Little Shop of Horrors, a camp classic shot in two days with no budget that would go on to inspire a glitzed-up musical and a Hollywood remake — both of which failed to measure up to the genuine article. We're following that with one of Corman's best pictures and easily my favorite Dick Miller performance, A Bucket of Blood (1959). Sharing sets and a screenwriter with Little Shop, Bucket captures everything that made both Corman and Miller legends in the independent film world and turned them into household names (at least in the right sort of households). Come celebrate the triumphant return of the AFS at our new home — Eurisko Beer Co. on downtown Asheville's South Slope — and get ready for great things to come in 2019!
Score: | |
Genre: | Horror Comedy |
Director: | Roger Corman |
Starring: | Dick Miller, Jack Nicholson, Charles B. Griffith, Barboura Morris, Anthony Carbone |
Rated: | NR |
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