The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Eyes Without a Face on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 9:15 p.m. at The Grail Moviehouse, hosted by Xpress movie critic Scott Douglas.

Eyes Without a Face
Movie Information
In Brief: The Asheville Film Society keeps on creepin' on with our October schedule of historic horror. Next up is Georges Franju's poetic masterpiece of fairy-tale fright, 1960's Eyes Without a Face. A film of almost unparalleled aesthetic beauty (within the genre, at least), this is possibly the best-remembered work of Cinematheque Française co-founder Franju despite being almost universally reviled by critics on its initial release. Massively influential and vastly ahead of its time, Eyes is deeply disturbing, profoundly unsettling and has managed to convince people that it's far gorier than the facts support for over 50 years. One of my all-time favorites and the first film I programmed for the AFS back in 2014, you need to lay eyes on this film at least once in your life — faces optional.
Score: | |
Genre: | Horror |
Director: | George Franju |
Starring: | Edith Scob, Pierre Brasseur, Alida Valli |
Rated: | NR |
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