There’s trouble at URTV. Who—and what—is responsible for that trouble? The answers depend on who you ask.

Launched in 2005, Asheville’s public-access channel is “a televised forum for legal, noncommercial speech; a place where you can express yourself creatively at little or no cost,” according to its Web site.
In exchange for annual dues and initial training fees, URTV members get access to the station’s equipment and a place to air their programming. The lion’s share of URTV’s revenue comes from the PEG fee charged to Charter Communications cable subscribers and funneled through the city of Asheville and Buncombe County, which distribute a portion of the money to the station.
In the past year URTV presented 1,400 hours of diverse first-run programming representing many facets of the community. Local producers averaged 21 hours of new programming per week, according to the station’s figures. Shows run the gamut from political forums to religion to underground music to plants.
But the nonprofit has been riven by internal disputes concerning membership, programming and the appropriate role of the channel’s board. And in recent months, those conflicts have gone public, with dissenting board members asserting that Executive Director Pat Garlinghouse and the board’s leadership have violated the state’s open-meetings law.
The first public hint of trouble came when two board members—Richard Bernier and Davyne Dial—took issue with an oath Garlinghouse administered to the board Jan. 15. Further controversy erupted when Garlinghouse prohibited former URTV producer John Blackwell from filming a board meeting for broadcast; a subsequent memo from board President Jerry Young barred board members from speaking to the press on behalf of the organization.
These battles have culminated in an attempt to remove Bernier and Dial from the board. And at a Feb. 17 meeting of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, county officials raised the possibility of withholding URTV’s funding (see “Saving Lives Trumps Money” elsewhere in this issue).
Meanwhile, outside events pose further threats to the station. URTV’s agreements with the city and county expire at the beginning of next year. And changes in state law opening cable service up to competition mean that the PEG funds—part of Charter’s exclusive franchise agreements with the city and county—could disappear at any moment. All this leaves URTV facing a conflicted present and an uncertain future.
Neither Garlinghouse nor Young nor other board members who support them responded to multiple requests to comment for this article. As a result, Xpress has had to rely on statements made by them in e-mails to the board in order to represent their position on these issues.
Fights over membership, station direction
Dial joined the board last July, voted in by the station’s members. Bernier came on in September, appointed by the board to fill a vacancy.
“I was approached by Pat [Garlinghouse] and asked to come on the board,” Bernier reports. “I told her I hadn’t ever sat on a board before. She said, ‘Don’t worry—just come in, vote for what I’ve got to present, and it will look good on your resumé.’ She also said, ‘Richard, as a board member you will never, ever tell me what to do.’ I don’t think she had a right to say that to me.”
According to URTV’s bylaws, “The board of directors … shall have and may exercise all powers of the corporation, except those powers reserved to the members by law, the articles of organization or these bylaws.”
Dial, meanwhile, says she’s observed similar behavior by Garlinghouse, whom she once considered a friend. “The pattern was to get as many people on the board that she felt were in her pocket, so she wouldn’t have to answer to us,” Dial asserts.
Bernier describes himself and Dial as a collective “thorn in the side” of management over issues the two feel aren’t being addressed.
“I have nothing personal,” Bernier maintains. “I want URTV to succeed; I want it to be the beacon on the top of the hill that shines out freedom of speech, and that simply is not occurring.”

One big issue for the two critics is the nonprofit’s membership. Not enough has been done, they assert, to keep existing members and attract new ones.
“That’s a major concern,” says Dial. “Some of it is that people go in and find out that [producing programming] is a hard thing to do.” But beyond that, retaining and expanding the membership is just not a priority for the board, these two maintain.
“I don’t think enough efforts have been made to keep our membership in a high status,” says Bernier. “You can support URTV without being a producer.”
“They don’t want members there who aren’t producing,” charges Dial.
And as a result, says Bernier, there’s been a lack of community outreach that has contributed to a drop in memberships.
“We are desperate for programming,” Dial asserts, adding, “That’s completely due to the declining membership.” And even when producers don’t follow the rules, she continues, “You don’t need to ban people forever. It should be the duty of a manager to get beyond personal issues or conflicts so that that producer still stays.”
Support for management
URTV board Secretary Ralph Roberts, who also declined to comment for this story, spoke to Bernier’s concerns about programming and membership in a Feb. 2 e-mail to board members.
In response to Bernier’s call for giving members an easy way to get their programs into the lineup, Roberts shot back: “They have an easy way: Just bring the shows in and give them to [Director of Programming Curt Arledge]. What’s so hard about that? You bring, URTV plays it. Period.”
As for the concerns about membership numbers, Roberts wrote: “If they aren’t going to produce, we don’t want them back. URTV is looking for people that can and will produce. That is our product, not coddling members.”
In the same e-mail, however, Roberts acknowledged, “We need shows!” and encouraged Bernier to take a more active role in production.
John Robinson, who’s produced the station’s underground-music show Mount Dungeon for two years, believes the station’s overall situation has improved. “While we may have less membership than when we started, a lot more of them are producing,” says Robinson. “[The station has] been well-run, and there’s been no drop in quality.”
Robert Eidus, who hosts Plants and Their Friends and has been producing since 2007, concurs. “When I started, we didn’t have Studio B; we didn’t have streaming,” he points out. “URTV’s been increasing the quality of its programming. We get many more hours of good, original programming than a lot of stations of this size.” And indeed, the current URTV schedule shows less use of Community Bulletin Board filler and more local programs than a September 2007 schedule.
Dial, however, believes that recent increases in annual membership dues—first to $50 last July and then to $75 in November—were a mistake. “To me, given our economy at this time, that’s wrong,” she asserts. “I feel like this is one reason they’re viewing us as a problem … because they’re getting an argument and they’re having to justify this.”
According to the station’s Web site, students and seniors pay just $25 a year.
Dial also feels the station has failed to build the community partnerships she feels are essential to URTV’s long-term survival. “We should have done programming for [Mission Hospitals], programming for the VA [Medical Center], programming for UNCA,” she maintains. “We need to build partnerships with every entity in the community. We need to be partnershipping all over the county. We could be a lot more important to the community than we are.”
URTV has forged a number of community partnerships. An internship program with A-B Tech involves 12 students; the station has also teamed up with Catalyst Productions (which produces art-instruction videos) and programs like LEAF in Schools and Streets, Outward Bound’s UNITY project and the Mediation Center’s Organized RHYME. Last October, the nonprofit secured a $25,000 grant from the e-NC Authority, a state program working to improve telecommunications and Internet access statewide. The grant enabled URTV to begin streaming programs online (at and launch a video-on-demand service.
Above the rules?
Although some of these issues have been simmering for a good while, matters have to come to a head in the past month. First, the oath administered to board members in January contained a controversial confidentiality clause (see “Questions Arise Over URTV Oath,” Jan. 28 Xpress). Garlinghouse and Young issued a statement agreeing to change that clause, but then video emerged of Garlinghouse asserting that no one could film a board meeting for rebroadcast, saying, “You have no right to put it on TV or the Internet”—a misrepresentation of the state’s open-meetings law, according to N.C. Press Association attorney Mike Tadych.
And in a Feb. 5 e-mail to board members, Young asserted: “It is my understanding that no board member is authorized to speak to the press on behalf of URTV, either to print publications or on Web-based sites.”
But URTV’s agreements with both the city and county require the nonprofit to adhere to open-meetings law. And according to Tadych, board members retain full First Amendment rights unless they explicitly agree to give them up upon joining the board.
(The station is also bound by state open-records law. However, URTV management has not responded to repeated Xpress requests for the minutes of its board meetings, which are public records. Many of the minutes are available on the station’s Web site, but some are not.)
Four days later, on the morning of Feb. 9, the board’s Executive Committee—including Roberts, Young, Treasurer Joe Scotto and Parliamentarian Bob Horn—met in closed session and voted to recommend dismissing Dial and Bernier.
Yet when Xpress reporters arrived just before the scheduled meeting time, URTV’s offices were dark and the doors were locked.
Letters informing the two of the committee’s decision cited no reason for it. But on Feb. 14, Young posted a message on URTV’s Web forums supporting the decision and taking aim at Xpress’ previous reporting on the controversies:
“Over the past month, issues were raised that—while starting as minor matters easily and properly addressed by the URTV board—have been made into a cause célèbre by two board members, a handful of disgruntled ex-producers and one segment of the local press,” he wrote. “Recently, two URTV board members have chosen to make their case to the press rather than to the URTV board at a URTV board meeting. A number of misinformed statements have been released relating misinterpretations of the actual situation. The result has been that one agenda-driven perspective is covered rather than a balanced report on the issues—or, in this case, nonissues.
“The URTV board wholeheartedly disagrees with the disinformation stated as fact by a very few individuals and the erroneous interpretations of our bylaws and procedures. The overwhelming majority of us support our executive director, Pat Garlinghouse, fully, and this support has been earned many times over by her during the term of her employment. Without Pat, there would be no URTV.”
Young didn’t specify which parts of Xpress’ reporting, or of Bernier’s and Dial’s statements, he believes to be in error, and he has not been willing to talk to this reporter—even though his Feb. 5 e-mail stated that only he was authorized to speak to the media on behalf of the organization.
Meanwhile, another e-mail by Roberts—this one from Nov. 20, 2008—propounded a view of the board’s proper role that differs radically from Dial and Bernier’s vision.
“Nonprofit boards exist primarily to help the organization achieve its mission,” Roberts wrote. “Not to run the organization, not to interfere with staff decisions, not to impede operations in any way, but simply to positively support the mission and to help in the raising of funds and community support for the organization. Everything else is of lesser importance.”
Ironically, the same e-mail praised Bernier for bringing more political perspectives into the station’s coverage of the November elections.
Sometime in the coming weeks, Dial and Bernier will lay out their case before the full 10-member board, which will then vote on whether to dismiss the two. However, the letter to Bernier asserts that the matter will be handled in closed session, which state law allows only for discussing personnel (i.e. paid staff) matters or property acquisitions or receiving legal counsel.
In Dial’s view, the whole fight reveals a deeper attitude that she feels is dangerous for URTV’s future.
“We need to be beyond these issues to deal with matters of sustainability and outreach, and we’re not,” she maintains. “What this action looks like to me is that it reveals an attitude of disrespect for the laws and rules that have been put into place. It’s like, ‘You have to follow the rules if you’re a member or mere producer, but we don’t have to follow the rules. We’re the people in charge: We can make up our own rules as we go.’ Which is exactly what they’ve done. The rules aren’t for them; they’re for the little people. They think they don’t have to pay attention to what the management agreements with the city and county say.”
And Bernier asserts: “I’ve only asked questions and amplified the community’s interest at board meetings, brought some issues to light. What have I done wrong? They’ve yet to advise me of that. I’d like to know what I’ve done wrong.”
Others, however, take a different stance. While admitting he “doesn’t get really involved in the politics” of the station, Eidus says he has confidence in Garlinghouse and URTV’s management. “[Operations Manager Jonathon Czarny], Curt [Arledge] and Pat are all exceptional human beings—it’s not in them to do things that are incorrect, not intentionally,” he maintains. “I’ve got full faith in their integrity. I can’t say the same about their opposition. This is taking up valuable time and energy.”
Robinson, meanwhile, says he doubts the critics’ motives, noting that his own dealings with management have been positive. “I know most of the people making these complaints,” says Robinson. “They either want to run URTV themselves or they want more say than they’re entitled to. The troubles we are facing have absolutely nothing to do with the management.”
The clock is ticking
In the midst of all this, several other issues loom. First, the nonprofit’s current funding agreements with the city and county expire at the beginning of 2010 and will have to be renewed or renegotiated. The controversy surrounding the station has already sparked concern on the county’s part. At the commissioners’ Feb. 17 meeting, County Manager Wanda Greene said she’d been unable to contact Garlinghouse, and board Vice Chair Bill Stanley raised the prospect of withholding some of URTV’S funding.
Asheville has also taken note of the turmoil. City Council member Bill Russell, the liaison to URTV, said he’ll be attending the channel’s March 19 board meeting to “have some pretty frank, open discussions about their charter and bylaws. It’s always disappointing to see a board that receives city or county funds in turmoil like this. It shouldn’t be like that.”
Second, changes in state law mean that Charter (which declared bankruptcy Feb. 13) could lose its monopoly on local cable service if another provider (such as AT&T) decides to enter the market. And if that happens, the local PEG funds would be no more. Instead, all service providers would pay franchise fees that would go straight to Raleigh and be distributed as state government saw fit.
For Robinson, the impending loss of PEG funds is URTV’s greatest challenge. “We need to be focusing on that,” he maintains. “We need to be looking into other sources of revenue. Everything else is pretty good: We have a station that’s running smoothly and provides services to a lot of people.”
Bernier shares that sense of urgency, though he’s more cynical about the station’s current status. “We need to look at evaluations; we need to see where we are,” says Bernier. “We have a countdown, and I can’t stress that enough. We must be on top of things and not be dealing with basic issues that should have been resolved years ago. This day is coming—we need a backup plan. We don’t have one.”
Still, he hopes the station—which he feels has been an amazing meeting place for diverse perspectives—can survive these challenges and move forward.
“URTV is a melting pot,” says Bernier. “When I came to URTV I got to know Davyne. Her political beliefs are very different from mine, but we became friends through that melting pot. I’m thankful that she’s on the board with me, and I feel that this a good example that this the best place where we can bring everyone to the table like this. It’s a sad day that we’re going down the road that we are.”
from Ralph Roberts
date Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 11:32 AM
subject an overview
hide details 11/20/08
Regrettably, there is some controversy over board membership and a couple
of members who got themselves in trouble mostly through their own actions.
Let’s drop back and take an overview. Just some thoughts of my own about
why we serve or should serve on this or any nonprofit board. These are MY
opinions — no one asked me to write them, but these are things that need
I’ve been on a number of nonprofit boards — most recently before URTV on
the Friends of the Library Board for a number of years. Nonprofit boards
exist primarily to help the organization achieve its mission. Not to run
the organization, not to interfere with staff decisions, not to impede
operations in any way, but simply to positively support the mission and to
help in the raising of funds and community support for the organization.
Everything else is of lesser importance.
We represent public access television. What is the mission of public access?
It is to provide quality and informative community television to the folks
in this area we cover. Until recently our area was Buncombe and Madison
County. Now — with the advent of successful and reliable web streaming, a
‘rebranding’ is underway so that we become the Western North Carolina
Media Center. Let me say that again, THE Western North Carolina Media
Center. This allows us branch out to the 19 counties in Western North
Carolina, adding both to opportunities for service and additional sources
of revenue, enhancing the chances of survival in this new era of reduced
city and county funding for public access. It is exciting and we need to
support this new vision. A good task for the board would be to work with
the Executive Director in amending the bylaws to reflect this new reality.
But.. back to WHAT public access is. Who do we primarily serve. The answer
is simple — the people who are our viewers. NOT members, not staff, not
board members — the viewers, the greater body for the greater good.
What are some examples of good service? Well, let me call out one of our
own, Richard Bernier. During this past election cycle, Richard gave voice
to an extensive politic camp that the mass media was mostly ignoring. He
brought us interview with and exposure to candidates that otherwise we
would not have heard from. Win or lose, this was the RIGHT thing to do I
commend Richard.
That is service to the community. And there are many ways we can and
should be doing it as producers, as board members, as staff of URTV —
whatever our role may be.
None of these roles should be self-centered. Herein lies a basic problem
I’ve observed in my time with URTV. Most of it stems from the creation of
the station when lots of ill-founded and ill-thought-out promises were
made to “member producers” — creating an expectation of entitlement that
has never existed. The concept of URTV was ALWAYS to serve the public not
individual producers. This is true of public access stations throughout
the world. With feelings of entitlement come numerous problems and
misunderstandings, such as the recent one I alluded to above.
We exist to serve our audience, not the other way around. Too many URTV
producers produce shows strictly to please themselves or just to shock in
sort of perverted concept that this is a ‘first amendment right.’ I do not
believe there is anything in the Constitution that you should bore us the
audience with crap that does not entertain or does not inform.
Which is not to say that I have not been guilty of that on occasion myself
but in general I try to think of my audience and do right by them.
Producing for URTV is a privilege, not a right. Producers who abuse this
privilege should be suspended. Period.
In conclusion, remember our mission. We serve the viewers not the
producers, board, or staff.
What can we do to improve? Education of new producers and new board
members is needed. I know some of the newer board members seem unsure of
their role. This role, I believe, is not representing members — even if
you are member-elected. All member problems — because of legalities and
simple efficiency — need to go to the Executive Director and NOT the
board such as the incident in the last board meeting.
The membership simply has say in who two board members are NOT in the
policies or operations of URTV. Members are simply clients rather than
So in selecting new board members, the only consideration should be is how
can this board member advance the mission? Do they have leadership in the
community or educational or other institution and can help us create a
bridge to those? Can they assist us perhaps in raising funds or in public
relations to reach more people and show them how the mission of URTV is
beneficial? Those are good reasons to select board members.
If prospective board appointees push for appointment through some ideal of
member/producer entitlement, they are — in my humble opinion — not good
candidates for consideration.
This, then, is my statement. I obviously love URTV and have worked hard
for it, as have quite a few good people. Let’s quit this danged
politicking crap and get back to growing the channel and fulfilling our
–Ralph Roberts
When did asking questions become a reason for removal, isn’t that a Board Members responsibility? From what I saw in the video of the last meeting, reasonable questions were ask from the two members slated to be removed from the Board.
Garlinghouse and her mouthpiece Ralph Roberts are running the meeting, not the President. The president is confused and look like he doesn’t know what to do next. Why is staff at the Board meeting? Garlinghouse’s reasoning for staff speaking for her was, she’d “lost: her voice, but she conveniently “finds” her voice every time it was in her best interest to control or make a point. What is the problem with having oversight for an Executive Director? A checks and balances system is what works best for most organizations and is how URTV is supposed to be run. Why not answer to the people who distribute the money to URTV (Wanda Greene). Why do the Board Members have to be in her “pocket” or out of there? Indeed, “whose URTV is this”? For the residents of Buncomb to have their “soapbox”no matter what their views, personality, race, religion, etc…or is it for the select few member/producers and Board Members who fall into the pocket of the ED? Why dismiss Board Members, just outvote them…that could have saved a lot of media attention. Looks to me like it works for Garlinghouse to have either compliant minions or constant drama on the Board and in the halls of URTV, either way no oversight as to what she’s doing. I say, do a professional evaluation of that place, and start moving forward. Lots of questions here, few if any answers, and we need some answers.
I’m disheartened to see URTV management dodging honest inquiry into the public’s business and I urge them to come out of hiding and do something, anything, to salvage this valuable resource to the community.
Instead, this is the pattern:
“Neither Garlinghouse nor Young nor other board members who support them responded to multiple requests to comment for this article…”
“Ralph Roberts, who also declined to comment for this story…”
“URTV management has not responded to repeated Xpress requests for the minutes of its board meetings…”
“Yet when Xpress reporters arrived just before the scheduled meeting time, URTV’s offices were dark and the doors were locked…”
“Young . . . has not been willing to talk to this reporter…”
“Wanda Greene said she’d been unable to contact Garlinghouse…”
I would be sorry to see incompetent management take URTV down with them. Get out, step aside, go away, find a hobby, and let URTV live on without your childish and transparent mischief.
we’ve all said our piece by now and continued rancor is not good for urtv. let’s not extend this comment section.
Following is email dialog between R. Bernier and Ralph Roberts.
Roberts is pressuring Bernier to just go away, and uses Mountain Expresses’ expose of URTV, as Roberts reasons why Bernier should throw in the towel. Roberts is not taking any responsibility for the actions of himself and the ED in causing this matter to continue to be a public specticle. He uses the fact that Mr. Bernier didn’t go to the Board with his issues with the oath, yet Mr. Bernier made repeated attempts to talk to the Board on several issues; none of these issues were EVER allowed to come before the Board of Directors on any agenda (board agendas are set by Roberts). So why would Mr. Bernier naively think that on this particular issue (the oath) would be allowed before the whole Board. The week the “oath” issue came to public light, the Board held a retreat , at that opportune time this issue could have been aired privately, yet that opportunity was missed. Typical of dysfunctional organizations, the “oath” and it’s implications, was the elephant in the living room no one would talk openly about. BTW, Mr. Bernier did not “go to the press” the press came to him. According to the ACLU, Mr. Bernier has a 1st amendment right to speak out when he has been wronged.
— On Sun, 2/22/09, Ralph Roberts wrote:
From: Ralph Roberts
Subject: Re: Request
Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009, 7:51 PM
Richard, I tried to help you back in November when you went off on your
“David Duke” tear and got nothing but abuse for my efforts.
In short, you’ve totally misinterpreted your role as a board member and
misjudged the very real problems that URTV has. The whole ‘open
thing is a nonissue, URTV has ALWAYS had open meetings in that anyone can
attend. As to filming, I’ve researched other open meeting bodies in North
Carolina — school boards, city councils, etc., and most seem to put some
sort of limits on how and when filming can occur. Again, it’s a nonissue
that you’ve blown into unnecessary damage to URTV … And the simple oath
that most boards take had nothing to do with open meetings and again you
misinterpreted it.
Your going to the press instead of talking to the board (and all the very
real damage that has occurred) results from you not living up to your
responsibility and loyalties as a board member to first come to the board
with your problems. Boards act as a GROUP, not individuals with agendas
outside the requirements of the organization.
There are other even more serious reasons.
But you asked and the above alone is enough for me (and others) to want
your resignation. I believe you are honor-bound to do so. If you won’t
listen to and act with the majority of the board, there is no way you can
contribute as a board member. And if you think you represent some outside
organization or group of individuals who have goals contrary to the
interests of URTV, that’s all the more reason.
Now if you can think of a way in which you can regain the respect of the
board as a whole and assure us that you put URTV first, then I will
Otherwise, please resign for the good of yourself and URTV. Go back to
producing, you really were good at that.
thank you,
From: Ralph Roberts
Subject: Re: Request
Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009, 8:14 PM
if you do decide to resign, I will support you and see that you are
treated with respect and that this ends the matter.
A note for David Forbes.
The “First public hint” of trouble started more than a year ago when I received the distinction of being the first board member removed from URTV for nearly the same reasons Richard Bernier and Davyne Dial face today (See: for PDF versions of the details), a story which the express lightly covered at the time.
As the new treasurer of the board, I started looking closely at the financial transactions going on under the then newly hired Pat Garlinghouse. When I began to question the legitimacy of some expenditures and started looking closer, I believe Garlinghouse then actively went about putting other board members against me and then convinced a majority of the board to vote me off.
Inadequate record keeping, questionable spending on out-of-state contractors for unnecessary equipment or equipment and services that had been offered to the station at no cost by local companies, avoidance tactics, questioning the treasurer’s need for bank statements and occasional refusal to provide requested records were common place at the time.
Yet when I brought these concerns to the board, they were belittled and even misrepresented in the minutes by then secretary Nelda Holder. The meeting after I started bringing reports to the board in writing to be included in the minutes, I was voted off the board.
Its the same tactic in play now. Garlinghouse doesn’t like people asking questions or doing anything outside of her control, and rather than get to work and make the station a better place by collaborative community effort, she’d rather spend her time creating animosity and rancor among members and the board in an effort to remove those she deems an irritation.
Garlinghouse is wrong for URTV. A community minded, civic oriented leader whose willing to work with a diverse board is what’s needed to keep the station afloat in times ahead. In spite of her discrimination against members that choose not to bend to her every whim, the station remains a positive force for the community, where a full range of contrasting backgrounds regularly collaborate, gaining understanding and on occasion, creating some pretty good programming.
I’m hopeful that with appropriate action by the city and county, we can remove the real thorn at the station, and get things back on track in a sustainable situation before its too late.
Ralph used to be all over this site… did the Xpress piss him off somehow? Over this maybe?
You mean there’s a possibility that we can get someone else besides Charter?! Booyeah!
Hey, look everybody…Peter Brezney finally decided
to join the debate.
I sure do hope he’ll take over URTV and finally get things running the way they should!!!! Blackwell and Peck will make the most AWESOMEST STAFF EVER!!!!
Why the need to introduce ridicule and personal attacks into the discussion?
Why not resort to facts, logic, and valid argument?
When one has no substantive facts to back up an intelligent rebuttal, one can only resort to ridicule and personal attack.
None of you people use URTV!
Tim is the only one who has even had the courage to admit it.
You just sit around and complain about something you don’t even participate in!
How’s that?
I use it and I find that I have been able to use it successfully so far. I think that each person has the right and obligation to ask questions anytime they want to.
Now getting answers is another story. But Boards that are set up with County or City authority must operate like the City Council and County Commissioners. Does this mean they do — of course not.
I was involved in a law suit to keep the county from sitting up an illegal procedure to get information.
I know most of the people involved in this arguement. Folks the board is the authority and the staff works at the pleasure of the board. Ralph what Boards have you served on that were told what to do by the staff.
The appointment to the Board is a job and not some place of importance. It is a job to see that the organization does what it is suppose to do.
Minutes are to report actions and not include personal comments. Boards should be mature enough to have open transparent debates and not avoid the press but actually pursue the press.
When confrontations are avoided things boil over. We need leadership to step forward and take the bull by the horn and move this thing to a solution. That can not happen on this forum or anywhere but between the people involved.
Considering the upward direction of URTV with Pat directing funds, that have all been accounted for, facts are that they were well spent.
URTV has grown under Professional Direction. URTV has suffered with Personality clashes with those who are Ego driven.
Hopefully this situation will soon be remedied and Asheville will become more involved with producing new programing for URTV.
Changes in Laws drastically reduces our access to Free Speech and withholds our opportunity of hearing the truth.
URTV needs to remain a beacon of Free Speech throughout the World.
I never thought I would be saying this.
“I completely agree with Don Yelton”
This is why you are a successful public speaker.
my point not nearly as well put as yours, all along is the board, Pat, city, and county will work out their issues themselves. None of this has had any effect on members using URTV for it’s intended purpose.
These people came out of the woodwork, going on about how Pat needed to be fired, and URTV needed to be shut down, when they don’t even use the place!
I will defend URTV against anyone who wants to see it fail. (sorry Don for the Rush reference)
“I will defend URTV against anyone who wants to see it fail.”
Can you tell us who it is that wants to see URTV fail?
I have heard from some people about mismanagement, deception, intimidation, secrecy and malfeasance.
Hearsay is like assume… those who are actively involved in URTV know the truth.
We know the progress that has been made that others try to discredit.
Watch the reruns of the Mad Scientist Tea Party. Look at how Davine Dial treats the other guests on the show.
That should sum up a few people. Actions speak louder than words.
Again with the personal attacks. Does no one have a valid argument?
GL said: “Watch the reruns of the Mad Scientist Tea Party.”
The T-party is showing in re-runs; where & when? While the Mad Scientist had a tendency on occasion to wander off into some arcane tech / audio talk, that made my eyes glaze over, for the most part is was just a fun time for all who attended.
D. Dial
I find the remarks of Ralph Roberts astonishing.
The Boards of Directors (or their legal equivalent) of ALL organizations–for profit or not for profit–are ALWAYS responsible for how the organization is run. They are ALWAYS the Executive Director’s boss.
That’s why Directors and Officers liability insurance exists; otherwise, there would be no reason for it. And every year insurance companies pay claims for the failure of Boards of Directors to do their jobs. More importantly, every year, individuals pay terrible personal prices because Boards of Directors on non-profit did NOT do their jobs.
Ralph, don’t you remember the havoc that Jim & Tammy Faye Baker caused?
And there are numerous local examples of similar failures of Boards of Directors to do their jobs. Also, there are numerous examples of individual members of Boards of Directors who failed in their duty to their non-profits and their memberships and supporters by taking the easy way out and resigning rather than fulfilling the responsibilities they freely accepted.
For me, as a complete outsider to what has happened at URTV, clearly the most important comment in this discussion is that of Peter Brezny.
The Treasurer of any non-profit is the member of the Board who’s honesty and integrity and courage must be the greatest because proper accounting for money will almost always reveal any defects in an organization. Apparently, he attempted to fulfill that responsibility and was punished by the other members of the Board for doing so.
Peter, I know exactly how you feel. I’ve had the same thing happen to me.
Why should supporters of URTV care?
Because, in my own case, which occurred here in Buncombe County less than 3 years after the Board turned a blind eye to the finances, all that the community non-profit had built had essentially been destroyed.
And such destruction will continue to happen as long as Boards of Directors fail to meet their responsibilities to the supporters of their organizations.
What personal attack are you talking about Tim?
My statement was for people to see the personalities in action.
Ever since Pat was hired for Director of URTV she has been under personal attack from those who were ousted.
Friendships were challenged to choose sides.
I served on the Small Business Board of Directors and the Advisory Board for the Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce.
All who were on the board were there to strengthen the organization not to intentionally destroy it.
In my personal experience those who have been slandering Pat do so for personal reasons and not because of the fact that she has increased the value of URTV.
It is my hope that the actions of the dissidents do not cause the active members to resign. That would be playing into their hands.
“Ever since Pat was hired for Director of URTV she has been under personal attack from those who were ousted.
Friendships were challenged to choose sides.”
I knowd a few who were a part of this tomfoolery. Now why would some body who’s suppose to be a manager get into so durn many conflicts with folks. Why force folks ta choose, which it’s well knwn is what she enjoys doing. Ain’t it good sense to build up rather than dismantle? No wonder folk are a talkin against this woman…lotsa members have been “ousted” cuz of conflicts or refusing ta side with her. What the h–l can ya expect. Course folks are gonna attck er…shes in the line of fire for lotsa reasons, looks like to me.
BTW Glo-lady, I know you think of yourself as some kinda newage guru…you’re not a puttin out the best of images here. You look like a person desperate to keep your show on the road (or tv) as the case may be here.
Hmmm…. Since I have to state my words in specifics or the information is dissected and misconstrued….
Pat is Not has Not ever asked me to choose sides. I see the difference in the studio, facts are facts.
Planetary changes will take us off the electric grid. The time is coming closer when we will not have these pleasures.
Desperate I am not. It takes a lot of dedicated hard work not to mention the time and money. We have no sponsors so there is no monetary gain for us to continue. Why do you think there is a turn over in producers. Not many have what it takes to continue when they find out what all is involved.
We are in the time called Revelation, to reveal. The corrupt will fall by the way side. New systems will be placed. We either understand these changes or the results will be Biblical as predicted.
Being a Social Entrepreneur, I choose to be an example for change. Will you start a 1st Sunday Community Pot Luck Dinner in your Community or just complain about people who are active in being the change they wish to see?
“URTV has forged a number of community partnerships. An internship program with A-B Tech involves 12 students; the station has also teamed up with Catalyst Productions (which produces art-instruction videos) and programs like LEAF in Schools and Streets, Outward Bound’s UNITY project and the Mediation Center’s Organized RHYME. Last October, the nonprofit secured a $25,000 grant from the e-NC Authority, a state program working to improve telecommunications and Internet access statewide. The grant enabled URTV to begin streaming programs online ”
—————————- snip—————->>>>>>
After over 2 years, URTV is finally working with AB Tech interns, what took so long? What other local collaborations have been formed? URTV used to do lots with The Map, that’s not happening anymore. Partnering with Hatchfest is considered “competition.”
I know for a fact that when the Board suggested partnering with Asheville Film Festival that the executive director gave lip service (April ’07 minutes) that she was all for URTV working with the organizers yet when it came time to meet with the AFF she had a different tone, needless ot say no collaboration evolved. There are several other failed collaborations that I myself know of, just suffice it to say URTV needs way more than three partners, we need the whole community involved.
And the $25,000. grant…that was low hanging fruit.
hello.hello,hello… it’s me..back again.. i must respond…first off “hanging fruit”,i love it..
now mr.orbit,i think ralph may have been tolled to keep his mouth shut.. the more the fire is feed,the more it looks bad for pat garlinghouse…
now for ralph’s letter..
“On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Ralph Roberts <> wrote:
Regrettably, there is some controversy over board membership and a couple
of members who got themselves in trouble mostly through their own actions.”
“Let’s drop back and take an overview. Just some thoughts of my own
1 about
why we serve or should serve on this or any nonprofit board. These are MY
2– no one asked me to write them,3 but these are things that need
“I’ve been on a number of nonprofit boards — most recently before URTV on
the Friends of the Library Board for a number of years.”
“Nonprofit boards
exist primarily to help the organization achieve its mission.”
SOUNDS GOOD..SAY IT AGAIN..”Nonprofit boards
exist primarily to help the organization achieve its
” Not to run
the organization, not to interfere with staff decisions, not to impede
operations in any way, but simply to positively support the mission and to
help in the raising of funds and community support for the organization.
Everything else is of lesser importance.”
“We represent public access television.”
“What is the mission of public access?”
2. Mission. The Mission of the Corporation is to empower every resident of our
community by providing equal means and opportunities
to create and present television
programming in keeping with First Amendment principles of free speech
“It is to provide quality and informative community television to the folks
in this area we cover.”
FIRST OFF ,”What is the mission of public access”
It is
NOT to provide quality and informative community television to the folks
in this area we cover. ALTHOUGH THAT SOUNDS GOOD,ON PAPER…
IT IS TO GIVE THE PEOPLE OF Buncombe County ACCESS TO THE CABLE( in this area we cover),
URTV Bylaws
June 2005
Article 1.
1. Name. The name and purposes of this corporation shall be URTV, Inc. (hereinafter in
these Bylaws referred to as the “Corporation”),
unless and until changed by amendment
of the Articles of Organization.
2. Mission. The Mission of the Corporation is to empower every resident of our
community by providing equal means and opportunities
to create and present television
programming in keeping with First Amendment principles of free speech.”)
“Until recently our area was Buncombe and Madison
County. Now — with the advent of successful and reliable web streaming, a
‘rebranding’ is underway so that we become the Western North Carolina
Media Center.”
“Let me say that again, THE Western North Carolina Media
“This allows us branch out to the 19 counties in Western North
Carolina, adding both to opportunities for service and additional sources
of revenue, enhancing the chances of survival in this new era of reduced
city and county funding for public access.”
“It is exciting and we need to
support this new vision.”
“A good task for the board would be to work with
the Executive Director in amending the bylaws to reflect this new reality.”
“But.. back to WHAT public access is. Who do we primarily serve. The answer
is simple — the people who are our viewers”
“NOT members, not staff, not
board members — the viewers, the greater body for the greater good.”
“the viewers, the greater body for the greater good.”)??? THIS SOUNDS LIKE SOME PROPAGANDA ,
IN THE NAME OF “quality and informative community television”,”the greater body for the greater good.”…
“What are some examples of good service? Well, let me call out one of our
own, Richard Bernier. During this past election cycle, Richard gave voice
to an extensive politic camp that the mass media was mostly ignoring. He
brought us interview with and exposure to candidates that otherwise we
would not have heard from. Win or lose, this was the RIGHT thing to do I
commend Richard.”
“That is service to the community. And there are many ways we can and
should be doing it as producers, as board members, as staff of URTV —
whatever our role may be.
None of these roles should be self-centered. Herein lies a basic problem
I’ve observed in my time with URTV. Most of it stems from the creation of
the station when lots of ill-founded and ill-thought-out promises were
made to “member producers” — creating an expectation of entitlement that
has never existed. The concept of URTV was ALWAYS to serve the public not
individual producers. This is true of public access stations throughout
the world.”
“With feelings of entitlement come numerous problems and
misunderstandings, such as the recent one I alluded to above.
We exist to serve our audience, not the other way around. Too many URTV
producers produce shows strictly to please themselves or just to shock in
sort of perverted concept that this is a ‘first amendment right.'”
“I do not
believe there is anything in the Constitution that you should bore us the
audience with crap that does not entertain or does not inform.”
RALPH ????
“Which is not to say that I have not been guilty of that on occasion myself
but in general I try to think of my audience and do right by them.
Producing for URTV is a privilege, not a right. Producers who abuse this
privilege should be suspended. Period.”
“In conclusion, remember our mission. We serve the viewers not the
producers, board, or staff.”
Mission. The Mission of the Corporation is to empower every resident of our
community by providing equal means and opportunities
to create and present television
programming in keeping with First Amendment principles of free speech
“What can we do to improve? Education of new producers and new board
members is needed.”
“I know some of the newer board members seem unsure of
their role.”
“This role, I believe, is not representing members” —
“even if
you are member-elected.”
even if
you are member-elected. ???
“All member problems — because of legalities and
simple efficiency — need to go to the Executive Director and NOT the
board such as the incident in the last board meeting.”
“The membership simply has say in who two board members are NOT in the
policies or operations of URTV. Members are simply clients rather than
“So in selecting new board members, the only consideration should be is how
can this board member advance the mission?”
“Do they have leadership in the
community or educational or other institution and can help us create a
bridge to those? Can they assist us perhaps in raising funds or in public
relations to reach more people and show them how the mission of URTV is
“Those are good reasons to select board members.”
“If prospective board appointees push for appointment through some ideal of
member/producer entitlement, they are — in my humble opinion — not good
candidates for consideration.”
“This, then, is my statement. I obviously love URTV and have worked hard
for it, as have quite a few good people. Let’s quit this danged
politicking crap and get back to growing the channel and fulfilling our
” –Ralph Roberts”
Mission. The Mission of the Corporation is to empower every resident of our
community by providing equal means and opportunities
to create and present television
programming in keeping with First Amendment principles of free speech.
hay tired.
None of you people use URTV!
Tim is the only one who has even had the courage to admit it.
You just sit around and complain about something you don’t even participate in!
How’s that? ”
fact.. for 6 months,or a year,i think i put in more time at urtv(5 hours a week of live tv,teaching classes,helping others with there tv shows,and much more) than the ed,pat garlinghouse,did..and you know this…all until she stoped my show and kicked me out…
hows that??
Glolady, please stop egging on Tim and Peter (who is half the people on this page – you can tell by the obsession with Pat and pathetically recycling the same hate through various dialects)
Glolady writes:
“We are in the time called Revelation”
Tired writes:
“You just sit around and complain about something you don’t even participate in!”
Imagine how many “people who don’t even participate” would participate if there were less mismanagement, deception, intimidation, secrecy and malfeasance.
Dr. Blackwell, thanks for your dissection of the fractured thinking of Mr. Roberts. If this is what members have to put up with, it is no wonder that people prefer sitting around not participating.
Take a breath said, “Glolady, please stop egging on Tim and Peter ”
Now glolady you better watch your step here. You might just kicked off the air like sooooo many people, for egging on Tim & Peter.
you better hush, when you been hushed…i think they all been hushed.. now they only come on to say hush..i think pat garlinghouse has hushed them…i think members of urtv may no longer post,and they will not post…they will dance to the tune that is called….i will not..
it’s time to fight for free speech..just look at what is going on with the press,radio,and public access tv..look around..THEY LIVE.
I use the facilities quite regularly, and I feel that I must point out ( again ) that this is a conflict of personalitys more than anything. But to suggust that URTV is mismanaged from a logistical perspective has not been my experience in 2+ years as a producer. You can go in, make your TV show, and leave. Drama free ( unless you bring it with you ). There are many on the sidelines of this conflict who have been allowed to stay there. In theory, Im staying on the sideline, but I love URTV too much to allow a skewed view of the experience.
Ralph Roberts speaking in an email here to R. Bernier about the “oath” that started the press coverage of behind the scenes happenings at URTV:
[ “Again, it’s a nonissue that you’ve blown into unnecessary damage to URTV … And the simple oath that most boards take had nothing to do with open meetings and again you misinterpreted it.”]_____________________________
[“Your going to the press instead of talking to the board (and all the very real damage that has occurred) results from you not living up to your responsibility and loyalties as a board member to first come to the board with your problems. Boards act as a GROUP, not individuals with agendas
outside the requirements of the organization. “]
john Blackwell,
Did you get paid to teach? or did you just do it out of the goodness of your heart.
“for 6 months,or a year,i think i put in more time at urtv(5 hours a week of live tv,teaching classes,helping others with there tv shows,and much more) than the ed,pat garlinghouse,did..and you know this…all until she stoped my show and kicked me out…
hows that?? ”
So let me get this straight, you were kicked out permenantly, membership revoked, and told you were not allowed in the station ever again?
If you are saying this, then I think you are the first member to be flat out refused service. According to the staff at URTV on one’s membership has ever been revoked.
Who is telling the truth?
Everyone appreciates the work you did at the station, but why would you blatantly advertise a for profit website on a show to air on URTV, knowing that is against the rules? and why would you undermine the very station you put so much work into with a membership website that is in direct competition with URTV’s streaming video service, as well as attempting to take desparately needed public access dollars?
She rightfully “stoped” your show because you broke the rules.
Although I believe in what URTV COULD be……… it’s far from it. Has anyone really watched it?Horrible stuff!
I think I read somewhere on these threads the the County could do an evaluation of URTV: it’s management, how the members find the facility and how the viewers find the service. I say evaluate that place now. If there is mismanagement let’s get rid of the mis-managers, if it’s just a bunch of ex-members trying to “tear down” the facility then let’s find out.
From the looks of things though, there is a lot going on underneath the surface. URTV cannot be that hard a place to run, it could probably run itself with just a few hours to distribute and take in equipment…programming is probably the biggest job. What’s the ED doing if she’s not out promoting and establishing much needed partners in the county? How about funding, how’s she doing on that end of the job? That’s what she was hired to do.
Roberts, who has his hand in everything URTV, looks like he’s been caught with his size 62″ pants down.
“I think I read somewhere on these threads the the County could do an evaluation of URTV”
Thank you Mr. Peck, that provision is at the top of page #4.
Too much money (nearly $500,000 to build out the facility) and a long history by people like the League of Voters & many others, who lobbied hard and heavy for PUBLIC ACCESS. There was a very serious board that set up the bylaws and waded into the battle with the critics and negotiated with city and county to get the station. Let’s encourage the county to do an OBJECTIVE evaluation of how URTV management is doing and if it’s the 1st amendment facility it was meant to be for our community.
When John was a guest on GLoLady TV he stated that he had withdrawn his membership.
Jack… I would like to see you do better programing… for free.
We can only assume what another persons job entails until we assume that position ourselves.
How can we expect Peace on Earth when some want to continuously wage War?
Use your energy to better Society.
If the only way to make yourself look good is to make someone else look bad, then what is your worth?
Is it: “Typical” or “URTV_is_4_U” or “Festus” or “Illuminati”or “Peter Brezney” that has gotten their hands on private emails between Ralph and Richard? You people don’t have a problem with this? Really!
Wow, posting emails between 2 board members on a public forum like this, what an incredible invasion of privacy!
I’m sure whoever it was that initially posted this email would not be very happy if correspondence they thought were private showed up on public threads like this. Shame on you!
Mr. Forbes, do you not feel the motivation behind this is worth look into? Where’s the outrage?
Another perfect example of “ex members” trying to tear down the facility.
aka: Red Herring Argument
“aka: Red Herring Argument”
You as an admitted non-URTV member and admitted URTV non-user, you stated “when Jen left, I was outta there!!” what was the big deal about jen leaving? Did it have something to do with Pat?
Is a lot of this just a “red herring” to attack Pat because she didn’t do things the way you wanted?
Interesting choice of words Tim.
“When John was a guest on GLoLady TV he stated that he had withdrawn his membership.”
Be careful GLoLady, your going to mess up John’s big dramatic story about how he was “Kicked Out” of URTV by the big scary ED monster!
Matt Howard, as usual, put it perfectly:
You can go in, make your TV show, and leave. Drama free ( unless you bring it with you ).
Im staying out of the personal stuff. There are people on both sides of this arguement I consider friends. But I have every intention of sticking up for URTV as an instutution.
That said: Jack, I second what glolady said. Can you do better? URTV is do it yourself, with the resources and skills you have available. The results are variable. I’ve seen things on URTV that have made me cringe myself, but that’s not the point. For less than 3 years on the air URTV is exceptional. At the end of 2007 I went back to connecticut for christmas, and while I was there I watched some public access from my hometown. It was CRAP! Bullitin board, with a few church shows, and once some guys talking about high school sports with really bad audio. For what it is, URTV is pure magic. Dosent compare to the stories of public access in 70’s New York. But if URTV was doing some of those shows, believe me folks, we would have a lot more than just an oath to talk about.
Thinking about it, based on what I’ve heard, not much does compare to 70’s New York.
re;tired.. all you do is try to put words in my mouth… or just lie…well getting kicked out for a month at a time ,and the next time will be 3 months,and so on,was enough for me to see how the game is for the rest,i think you must be delusional..don’t you think it’s time that you retired??
re:tired,Is it: “Typical” or…
always freaking out when the truth comes to dare we show this to the public??
this is not a sex scandal..its about board members,transparency,secret oaths,and free speech ,.. the emails show so well,what has been going on..
Another perfect example of “ex members” trying to fix a problem…
C’mon folks, who’s smokescreening here to avoid the real FACTS? There are real problems, here’s a short list as a refresher.
#1: An oath is given to select Board Members that is ruled in violation of NC Open Meeting laws,
#2: Several terms of NC Open Meeting Laws are not honored by the Executive Director and Ralph Roberts, in the Jan. 15th meeting Open meeting discussion begins at about 11;00 minutes into video.
A media attorney points out several “inaccuracies’ that are stated by the ED.
#3: URTV’s executive Director is required to sign that she will adhere to Open Meeting by the County Attorney, at that time it was believed by Wanda Greene that a “meeting of the minds” was achieved laws:
#4:URTV Board President Jerry Young issues information protocol for Board Members:
#5: URTV Board President calls an executive meeting that does not adhere to strict special meeting guidelines “An executive session, meanwhile, is generally a closed meeting of a nonprofit and requires that a quorum of the entire board (six members in this case) be present — and a majority approve going into session. Under the state’s open-meeting laws, which URTV is required to follow, the board would have to open the session, then vote to go into a closed session, which is usually used to discuss property or personnel matters.”
Again in violation of state Open Meeting laws.
#6: At the special executive session meeting only three executive officers were present (four are required) and those executives voted to dismiss two board members, no reason was given. “Under the state’s open-meetings law, which URTV is required to follow by its agreements with both the city of Asheville and Buncombe County, only matters of personnel (paid staff), property acquisition or consultation with legal counsel may be dealt with in closed session. In all those cases, the board must still begin its meeting in open session before voting to hold a closed session and citing the legal justification for such a move. On Feb. 9, at the beginning of the meeting time for the executive session, the doors to URTV’s offices — the announced meeting place — were locked. ”
#7: Wanda Greene says she has not been able to contact Pat Garlinghouse; several calls by Greene to Garlinghouse have gone unanswered…county may withhold funding
No wonder “Tired”, Glolady and others want to change the subject by throwing out red herrings to distract attention away from the facts.
ex- members trying to “fix” a problem?
All we’ve heard from you is complaints about how horribly URTV is being run. Not one word about how you or others here could make it better.
Honestly John, Tim, Peter….
What would you do to “fix” how URTV is managed? I’m genuinely interested to here anyone’s input on this. What is your answer to correcting the problems? I’ve read nothing so far.
Right now (or at 1:00pm) the doors will open, producers will submit shows (some good, some bad) equipment will be checked out, and so on.
How would you “fix” this mess?
Tireless writes: “Honestly John, Tim, Peter…
How would you “fix” this mess?”
I can’t speak for the others. For those who are paying attention, you know that I have already addressed this. (Now who is getting Tired?)
1. URTV should immediately begin a new search for a real Executive Director; one that would have the best interest of URTV at heart. (Preferably someone who knows how to pick up a phone when the station’s key funders leave a message.)
2. The composition of the board of directors must be radically changed to eliminate scatter-brained wind-up Yes men that currently dominate it.
3. The county needs to conduct a thorough performance review for fiscal year 2007.
How hard is it to run that place? It’s not that big an operation… guess is once procedures get put in place thing kind of flow together.
Long term is another story, there’s been little adherence by the Director to tasks stated in the County management agreement regarding fundraising and outreach to the community.
Part of Mrs. Garlinghouse’s job responsibility is to aggressively pursue funding through grants and fundraising as stated in the County Agreement pg.2 item E. To my knowledge one grant for $25,000 has been obtained by Mrs. Garlinghouse, and this was a grant that was considered.
From 5/07 Board Meeting , Garlinghouse said: ” She feels we don’t need fund raisers.”
The management agreement with County states on Pg. 3 Item I, PROMOTE ACCESS SERVICES PART B: Create and implement outreach activities, special events, and partnerships with a broad cross section of community organizations. Outreach to UNCA and NCCCR, Blue Ridge Community College, WCU, Mission & St Joseph, Health Adventure, Chamber of Commerce, Community Foundation is needed if we are to thrive. All these institutions expressed enthusiastic support and desire for partnering with URTV when it began but no programs have evolved. URTV did just recently begin an internship arrangement with AB Tech…but we need lots more than 5 students in a 2 year period (this is the length of time Mrs. Garlinghouse has been at the helm of URTV). The issue of outreach came up in a board meeting and like funding she stated that “outreach doesn’t work”. So I wonder why if she was such an expert on public access, why she signed a management agreement that she would carry out directives that she now says don’t work.
She rightfully “stoped” your show because you broke the rules.
so let me get this.she stopped my show??
it looks like some people are all about rules,as long as they are used as an excuse to stop my show,but when the chips are down ,they can not start to play by the rules…don’t dish it out,if you cant take just need to learn how to play by the rules,and not just the ones that you make up..this is not about my show.that is old news.this is about now,and will the ed. ,and the board ever play by the rules…talk about rules,i think Open Meeting rules would be a good place to start..when you you get that one right,get back to me.. i have a few more..the list is much to long to go into now..
DCJ wins the descriptive word contest!!!!!
Now we see why people are disappointed in Pat’s arrival, URTV was used as a Social Club before she came.
How arrogant the person to go into a place of business and expect the employees to entertain them. There are specific business for that.
How sad to condemn Pat because she operates URTV as a business and Not as a Social Club. How many other businesses allow socialization when on duty?
URTV is a public access TV studio with professional people and equipment to produce professional programming.
The Social activities of the URTIE’s, 2 yr open house birthday party, and the many fund raising functions at local establishments were the place to Socialize.
I knew the truth of the matter would come out!
Puh-leeze Glolady, this has nothing to do with members wanting to “party down” at URTV. You were not there at the pre_Garlinghouse…you don’t know what happened. You’re grasping at straws….here is what the issues are.
Mrs. Garlinghouse’s job responsibility is to aggressively pursue funding through grants and fundraising as stated in the County Agreement pg.2 item E. To my knowledge one grant for $25,000 has been obtained by Mrs. Garlinghouse, and this was a grant that was considered.
From 5/07 Board Meeting , Garlinghouse said: “ She feels we don’t need fund raisers.”
The management agreement with County states on Pg. 3 Item I, PROMOTE ACCESS SERVICES PART B: Create and implement outreach activities, special events, and partnerships with a broad cross section of community organizations. Outreach to UNCA and NCCCR, Blue Ridge Community College, WCU, Mission & St Joseph, Health Adventure, Chamber of Commerce, Community Foundation is needed if we are to thrive. All these institutions expressed enthusiastic support and desire for partnering with URTV when it began but no programs have evolved. URTV did just recently begin an internship arrangement with AB Tech…but we need lots more than 5 students in a 2 year period (this is the length of time Mrs. Garlinghouse has been at the helm of URTV). The issue of outreach came up in a board meeting and like funding she stated that “outreach doesn’t work”. So I wonder why if she was such an expert on public access, why she signed a management agreement that she would carry out directives that she now says don’t work.
glolady writes: “I knew the truth of the matter would come out!”
Congratulations and namaste.
The truth about mismanagement, deception, intimidation, secrecy and malfeasance at URTV came out quite some time ago, dear. Where were you?
And, oh, has Wanda Greene gotten a call back yet?
Wanda’s emails were stuck in Pat’s spam folder. I saw it with my own eyes. Also, county funds were received in the mail the very same day the “withholding funds” article was published.
Sorry, Tim, Peter, and Blackwell. I know a sinister explanation would be far more satisfying to you.
The statement reprinted below was made by Wanda Greene on Feb. 17th, and the article was published with in an hour of that meetings ending. So it was impossible to relay funds after hours as Overdue Correction states. Wanda did more than send emails…she says she tried in numerous ways to contact Garlinghouse. Let’s hear the other reasons why she didn’t return the communications. I know there will be some glib reason…with Garlinghouse there always is . Narcissists ALWAYS have a glib excuse.
Wanda Greene stated: “We did have the executive director from URTV come in and meet with the expert that we use on [PEG funds, which are cable-company fees distributed by Buncombe County and the city of Asheville] and public-access franchises,” Greene told the board. “We thought we understood one another. We have since tried to reach her on four different occasions in a variety of ways and she has not returned our calls. But we will pursue that again tomorrow to make sure that we address this issue.”
“So the director has not contacted you since you’ve asked for her?” Vice Chair Bill Stanley inquired.
“We’ve tried to contact them several times,” Greene replied.
“Well, I hope if we’re in charge of their money we’re holding it up for a little while,” Stanley said.
“We did relay that message,” Greene added.
So who’s lying? Who benefits fro a lie?
The truth is that URTV is operated by professionals who run a tight ship. It is not the place to Socialize but to work on your video productions.
If you need help the staff is more than willing to help. You just have to wait your turn in priorities.
OK Producers at URTV… we have a party to attend…
Monday March 16th at 7pm
URTV is having a Producers Party… live music, fun, and food.
If you missed the other Social events then I would suggest quit your bitchin and attend!!!
Question to to any other Boards around Buncombe who have managed to maintain their secrecy, and an appeal for help:
We have these Board Members I call ‘Rookie Knowitalls” (not their real names) who has discovered we have changed our free speech mission from first come, non discriminatory access to a mission of using a process of standardless discretion (but really censoring) we call “block programming”. It works for us because it’s so easy. We choose the producers we want to feature and facilitate their access by producing programming for them, giving them exclusive or preferential access to production facilities, and programming slots. Since our funding comes from the government sector (well they mandate it by paid by cable subscribers) we really facilitate Government and of course Education. These Rookie Knowitalls are constantly catching us violating our own bylaws and pointing out how we are in constant violation of state open meeting laws. They refuse to accept our authority and points out that we are undemocratic because we have a government approved self selecting Board of directors and are not a membership based non-profit. They even go so far as to suggest the “emporer or empress has no clothes” They have considerable skills at pointing out how by banning certain members for trumped up charges they are making us look like authoritarian censors. The Knowittall troublemakers insists we comply with our mission, our bylaws and state and federal laws. They have caused major embarrassment to us for a couple of months and won’t go away (like most of the other community producers that have gotten themselves on our s__t list have) and we we can’t shut them up. Help! WE are at our wits end, and are considering conducting fake meetings and filming them to prove how really compliant we are. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Figor Itout
i am trying to respond to glolady,but i can not.. i am just stupefied..
line,,,, line,,, what is my line??
maybe we should get some real actors..
STORY AT 11:00…
Figor it out, peter,
Whirr ya gonna show that thar a fake meeting?
I suggest URTV!!
That is why the station is there, They could use some good comedy.
You are going to start worrying me when some of your characters start contradicting each other on this thread though.
On another note.
Guys, I sure do hate your continuing drama is going away so …well….undramatically.
It’s really been fun irritating each of you on a daily basis. Unfortunately, Spring break is over and I have to get back to school so I can graduate
and move on to junior high. I hear it’s really cool!!!
“””The truth is that URTV is operated by professionals who run a tight ship. It is not the place to Socialize but to work on your video productions.””” Glolady
Oh yeah, right!!!, ” tight ship…professionals”…..that’s why Mtn Exp has written all these articles. ROTFLMAO
We are not alone:
This in from Hawaii….and no telling how often this is occuring elsewhere, by people collecting big PEG salaries, while making access difficult if not nearly impossible, by constantly getting into personality conflicts, making the criteria so very restrictive the it discourages all but the most determined…..etc. etc.,etc. Now why would they want to do that? Why would management actually be hostile toward members.
“””e Can’t Control the Content but we Can Delay Your Access
If access corporations were sincerely interested in providing the public access to television, they could set up and turn on a camera, microphone, and video tape recorder and let people speak their mind. Perhaps not the most exciting and dynamic form of television, but it would provide the basic access envisioned by the framers of the 1984 Cable Rights Act. Instead the eager public access producer is met with a barrage of intimidating forms, and training programs that lasts weeks and even months in the case of ‘Olelo (Oahu). After completing a highly subjective, non-performance based, and poorly planned certification process the access producer must schedule production and post production equipment often months in advance. After the program is produced the access producer must schedule the program for cablecast which means more intimidating forms and more delay. It could easily take a year or longer for a beginning access producer to see their first program reach an audience.
These access corporation rules, procedures, training, forms, scheduling, and delays effectively discourage all but the most dedicated access producer, and in effect is a regime designed to disenfranchise the majority of the subscribers who fund the corporations. The result is far less than 1/100th of the eligible producers are being served by any access corporation in Hawaii, which seems to be by design so they can say “we tried” and then more vigorously facilitate “already served”, adequately funded, no””””
Indeed, we are not alone…this in from Austin Public Access, where it appears they have a clone of Garlinghouse for an ED. From the postings it sounds like they commiserate daily on how to make life difficult for certain members.
Look at you like you’re a t__d.
Thank you ever so much for the encouraging words about my show, now
that chAustin/PACT has made it so much harder and less worthwhile to
do one.
The truth is, making the show is so interesting and so much fun, I’ll
probably keep doing it even if they close down tomorrow.
PACT has become a textbook case of bad administration—wherein the
bureaucrats get confused about their purpose and start attacking the
people they serve. Kind of like the Bush Administration.
This sort of perversion happens a lot in government agencies. The
people at the agency start to see customers as the enemies and begin
to attack them. Bad hospital administrators hate their patients. Bad
teachers hate their students. Even in the private sector, bad store
managers sometimes treat their customers like dirt.
A friend of mine who worked in the Welfare Office would cuss out
welfare recipients all day if you gave her the chance. These were the
people she served—and yet she totally hated their guts. Sound familiar?
I’m sorry to hear they’re hassling you about rules, which is, of
course, another characteristic of government agencies gone potty.
They’ll probably get rid of all of us through technicalities. Then
they can start airing the same three or four shows over and over
again, day and night, forever.
You, Sue, have clearly been fighting back for some time now. More
power to you. I’m sorry you have to take another meeting with the
Inquisitors. Stay away from the waterboard.
Fighting, fighting, fighting, what kind of irreplaceable damage has been done?
URTV was deliberately trashed by those who had monetary gain plans for the station.
All original programing was to be owned by the studio and not the people who created it.
Hijacking the internet signal to host another commercial web site.
And, and, and, that URTV wanted to keep quiet… tell the people how devious and fool hardy URTV was operated before Pat took over..
Now… who wants to sponsor any programing at URTV? What value is their promotion worth?
Because of the financial expense in the proper production of GLoLady TV, we will stop filming Live on March 27th 09. I will continue to submit original programming infrequently.
Good Luck Asheville… you are gonna need it!
And, and, and, who held an illegal secret meeting to remove two whistleblowers?
Good luck URTV, you’re gonna need it.
“irreplaceable damage” ???? I’ve heard of “irreplceable” antiques, lovers, friends, other treasures,etc…but damage? I think you meant irrepairable.
All programming is owned by the individual who produced it, the URTV plays it as often as they want or need to…then the producer can do with the programming whatever they wish. It’s in the management agreement….you might consider reading it sometime…then you too would know how the ED has neglected her assigned duties.
Glolady, you programming is losing it’s slot…well join the party. You must have lost favor with a certain someone.
URTV… I suggest that you tell all the trash on these people who have and continue to take URTV down!
as the son to the Father… they know not what they do.
Taking our public access because of your greed… Come on Tim… tell everyone what Jen had planned for the station…
glolady writes: “I suggest that you tell all the trash on these people who have and continue to take URTV down!”
I’m sorry, dear, I don’t follow you. Pat Garlinghouse and the board are taking URTV down. Do you still not get that, at long last?
glolady writes: “Come on Tim… tell everyone what Jen had planned for the station…”
I have no idea. You tell me.
Tim said a while ago:
“When Jen left, I was outta there!”
Tell us why Tim, c’mon be honest. What was the big deal about Jen that made you willing to give up on URTV?
We all know how close Blackwell and Jen were.
Come to think of it, Peter and Jen were real buddy, buddy as well….
I think your onto something Glolady!
There may be a real drama here after all!
This could get good…
Pat wasn’t too smart at the time of Jen to hide how she was harrassing her to get her out of there. In fact she made the mistake of openly bragging about her actions. There were enough people who saw what was happening to substantiate a employer harrassment lawsuit. Even some former board members are well aware of what happened.
“What was the big deal about Jen that made you willing to give up on URTV?”
She was abused by Pat Garlinghouse.
Anything else?
The comments that Jen made to me regarding Pat and the truth that I have experienced are two different things.
There is more to the story look for the computer connection and knowledge to what was originally planned…. If that information is still available.
glolady writes: “There is more to the story look for the computer connection”
OK, it’s crystal clear now.
oh god.
Let’s get my words straight. Before Pat straightened it out, URTV owned the producers work.
I did not lose my time slot. I recently made a decision that I would not continue to film live unless GLoLady TV had sponsors for the show.
Since the trashing and slander of URTV how many businesses and people consider URTV good for their advertising budget?
We have heard the should do this and should do that but where is the action of such? I would be more involved with Community, but why am I the only one doing Charity?
If you want to see more then support not destroy more.
Glolady, thank you so much for informing us of how very powerful we are. (who knew???)..first we destroy URTV…now onward and upward…who/what next can we destroy? Perhaps the moonies, or some other newage self appointed guru sect? How about CNN or the World. Why there’s just no end in sight to our destructive abilities. I feel like the cookie monster here.
On the other hand, you might not be able to get sponsorship because your show is self indulgent ego tripping crappola. Ever consider that possibility?
And could it be that word has gotten out about incompetent management that is the major problem ?????
festus: (Peter)
“There were enough people who saw what was happening to substantiate a employer harrassment lawsuit.”
Well then why on earth didn’t you all file one?
Sounds a bit too dramatic.
I believe it is a given that Curt Arledge is a much more competent program manager then Jen could ever hope to be, so you all couldn’t be so upset about her being replaced. Or could you?
Are you all are mad about Pat’s decisions about who she wanted for her staff? Is that not her choice?
Tim, you gave up the place you are so passionate about over a staff decision? Very odd.
No one had Jen beaten and chained to a desk, she could have left whenever she wanted. “Abused” is a bit strong don’t you think?
Tired writes: “No one had Jen beaten and chained to a desk, she could have left whenever she wanted.”
She did.
Tired writes: “‘Abused’ is a bit strong don’t you think?”
No, I don’t.
glolady writes: “Before Pat straightened it out, URTV owned the producers work.”
Funny, I was one of the first members of URTV and the policy regarding ownership of content has never changed. Programming has always belonged to the producer. I guess Pat didn’t really straighten anything out. But then, I’ll bet you can produce evidence to substantiate your assertion.
“Tired aka Pat & Ralph, aka Palph” said “No one had Jen beaten and chained to a desk, she could have left whenever she wanted. “Abused” is a bit strong don’t you think?”””
It was more than abuse, it was sadistic torture.
But this isn’t about Jen… is about a **supposed, PHD in Psychology using her position and tendency toward sadistic enjoyment of seeing people squirm, that was heaped upon a young person who loved the Public Access station she worked at.
We all saw her manipulate and harass someone who loved her job out of it. Notice all the supporters here beside “Palph” were not around to see what went on back then. We oldtimers were witness.
When she got her boy-toys the aging femme fatale was oh so happy. URTV is SUPPOSED to reflect the community…there are no women or minorities working there.
**Has anyone been able to verify the PHD & Masters credentials this individual “says” she has??????????? I’m very suspicious seeing how she trumps up every little accomplishment.
So the facts are straight: Producers always owned thier work. If you used URTV facilities or equipment, you were bound to air whatever you produced on URTV first, after that do whatever.
Yes, Mr. Howard…that is true. However, I always felt that if after showing a production on URTV…if I went on to make some money off my production by showing it for profit elsewhere, that I would give URTV a percentage. I was at the very first Producers wrkshop in Nov. of ’05 and this was discussed thoroughly. Everyone at the table agreed this was altogether fitting and proper. URTV never owned any productions…gllady has that all wrong.
WANTED: Citizens who are willing to become local leaders. That’s the goal of the City Boards and Commissions. Asheville City Council is looking for some citizens who want to get involved and make a difference by serving on a city board or commission. The board listed below currently has a vacancy and Council is looking for dedicated citizens to lead the community. The deadline for receiving applications for this opening is Thursday, April 9 at 5 p.m.
URTV, INC – This is a non-profit selected by Asheville and Buncombe County to manage the community’s public access television station. Responsibilities of the Board will be to focus on getting the URTV station up and running: site selection, hiring a Director, purchasing equipment, etc. Desired skills include legal advisors, fundraising experts, public speakers, producers, media technicians and media educators.
Maggie Burleson, MMC
City Clerk
City of Asheville
P.O. Box 7148
Asheville, NC 28802
828/259-5499 (fax)
It has been stated by someone in authority… when URTV was 1st set up all copyrights for material produced at were owned by URTV.
In August 07′ Jen spoke with me several times specifically related to her dislike of Pat. Because of Jen’s words to me and what I have found to be fact, I have doubt to Jen’s credibility as to her complaint against Pat.
Hope and pray that no board member with an ulterior motive will be elected.
After much thought and meditation I have decided not to let a few A……. ruin my day any day.
GLoLady TV will renew for my 4th season. This is my “Not Nice” Season. &$^!
Part of the NEW 4 1/2 hr Live on the Mad Friday Programing lineup at URTV.
Producers Be There for the Party and talks about the New Season on Monday March 16th……
Here is a link to the County Agreement (writtten in 2005)…read Section 7: Copyright Ownership. I don’t know who the “authority” is your listening to, but they and you have it wrong.
Poor G-lady..cannot get a sponsor because of the bad ole Mountain Express and the realites that have been exposed here. I don’t think so. I watched a portion of your show tonight……. scintillating TV it is not. Blaming others because you have a mediocre show is not professional. Grow up.
OH Please tell us what TV show that you produce so that we can compare you to a professional TV show too!!!
How many people crew a professional TV show? If we had a full crew, would GLoLady TV be mediocre?
Show me that you can do better then critique all you want.
On your show last night you said you predicted the bottom falling out of the housing market in Florida and presumably elsewhere…..if you’re that capable at seeing into the future, you should have no financial problems.
Blaming MtnExp is so lame-o…and for such a powerful person as you purport to be…I’m kinda disappointed.
Asheville Filmmakers Group March Meeting
This month we will talk about more movie making stuff. Come on down and join us for a beer or glass of wine and help decide what future subjects you would like to see discussed at the AFG meetings.
The Fine Arts Theater (critics lounge) 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday March 18th 2009
Beer and wine are available in the lobby.
Thanks for participating and I hope to see you there!
Blaming Mountain Xpress for what?
So… what do you produce that makes you an expert in TV production?
The meeting sounds cool…. hope that you have good attendance…
That is the night we meet in Brevard at The Bread of Life to organize the 1st Sunday Community Pot Luck Dinners and discuss topics pertaining to Brevard.
Glo-lady said: Let’s get my words straight. Before Pat straightened it out, URTV owned the producers work.
Sorry Glolady you are badly misinformed..this form the City management agreement from 2005…why before P. Garlinghouse arrived:
SECTION 8. DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS Contractor shall require that all programs produced with
funds, equipment, facilities, or staff granted under this Agreement shall be cablecast on a local PEG
Channel. This subparagraph shall not be interpreted to restrict other distribution (beyond distribution on
local PEG Channels), so long as such other cablecasting is consistent with any pertinent guidelines
established in the public access operating policies and procedures.
Management Agreement URTV
Page 5
I heard Pat make that claim also. You are not imagining that she took credit for “fixing it so that producers now own their work.”
However producers have always owned their work. The only obligation from the beginning was that producers air on URTV first if any URTV equipment or the facility itself was used in the production.
Despite that Pat said it, it simply isn’t true. It worries me that her “fixing this” is supposed to be one of her major accomplishments.
Have you watched network or cable TV or seen any hollywood movies lately? – the majority of that is horrible stuff too.
Yet they have investors, advertisers, accountants, lawyers, sets, back lots, prop departments, model builders, carpenters, art departments, casting agents, hair stylists, makeup artists, cinematographers, sound technicians, music engineers, script supervisors, wardrobe departments, CGI and special fx teams, teleprompters, camera people, grips, dialogue coaches, lighting experts, choreographers, cranes, helicopters, location scouts, wire artists, extras, fencing instructors, underwater cameras, divers, stunt people, editors, directors, body doubles, catering, medics, pyrotechnicians, consultants of every kind, explosives and demolition experts, animal and insect wranglers and handlers, vehicles, drivers, assistants, on and on and on, not to mention professional writers, actors, comedians, dancers, musicians, etc.
URTV is you, what you can bring to it, a studio, a blue curtain (or a smaller studio and a blue wall) cameras, lights, microphones, and apple computers with editing software. Comparatively, there is no comparison. On the other hand, how often on network TV or the movies do you see the city of Asheville or nearby scenic or historic sites, your neighbors or even yourself, local musicians performing, extended coverage of community events, debates on local issues, or downtown concerts or performances filmed in their entirety? Where do you even get to see live TV anymore except for CNN or CSpan? You can watch all of that and more on URTV on a regular basis. More that that, if there is a show you want to watch on URTV and can’t find it there, you can make it yourself!
well said elaneon…
it is coming up soon.. now is the time to get on the phone,or the email,and get all good members out to vote at the meeting.. as you may know we have no email list,so everyone must call who they know…
please help stand for free speech at urtv…
good work people,how see what you get.. you loose your votes on the board..when will you wake up ,and see what is going on ???
changing the status of the producer Board members to ex-Officio or non-voting members
On Thu, 5/14/09, Pat Garlinghouse wrote:
From: Pat Garlinghouse
From: H Goosmann
To: Jerry Young
Cc: Pat Garlinghouse ; Bennie Lake
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:48 PM
Subject: Nominating Committee By-Laws review
Per your request the nominating committee has reviewed the URTV By-laws and made a revision to update them based upon the need as stated by our legal counsel. Please find a draft version of this revision attached to this email.
Please distribute the updated by-laws to the entire Board such that we can vote on the changes at next weeks Board meeting. I ask that each Board member review them beforehand and email me questions such that we can address any question/concern by the meeting. I am asking that we front load this such that research can be done if needed.
Last, I ask that each Board member take their time and review this revision carefully. There are some substantial updates suggested. Primarily in the membership category, the number of Board members, by changing the status of the producer Board members to ex-Officio or non-voting members, and by reorganizing the committees. Every effort was made to retain the essence and integrity of the original bylaws. There are good reasons for each of the changes and other suggested updates, and I look forward to a discussion by the full Board.
the board meeting will be Thursday may 21… please come and help stop this thing…
this is what the new bylaws look like..rotflmao…section 5-b ,just got me..
i hope something can be done to stop this b.s…this is nothing like the urtv we know…to replace the bylaws we have now,with this trash,is unthinkable…please god say it is not so..
ok.. i will go back and try to get things back on the good foot…forget the slights of the past and move on..
i agreed that this has all gotten out of hand and there needs to be a clean slate… let it start with me… i have re-upped my membership,and hope to start producing very soon..
now, lets all get back on the good foot..
if we will all work together ,i know we can do it… come on now,lets all give it a try.. good foot,good foot,get down,get back on the good foot..
Tues. June 9, 2009
Dear Mr Blackwell,
Please be advised that your recent request to be a participating member of URTV and use of the facility is denied due to: failure to accept responsibility for following the Rules and Procedures of URTV and repeated abuse of URTV equipment and staff.
some people have asked me to post all of the letter ,i got back from pat..
Tues. June 9, 2009
Dear Mr Blackwell,
Please be advised that your recent request to be a participating member of URTV and use of the facility is denied due to: failure to accept responsibility for following the Rules and Procedures of URTV and repeated abuse of URTV equipment and staff. You may, if you choose, use your membership to submit DVDs made elsewhere. If you choose not to submit programming, we will gladly refund your membership fee.
Please refer to the Rules and Operating Procedures document.
III. Rules, Violations and Loss of Privileges
A. Definitions and Limitations
3. Any producer who engages in activities in the URTV facility that are harassing, threatening, purposefully detrimental or damaging to another producer, URTV staff member, or URTV resources will be asked to leave the building.
C. Violations of the Rules and Procedures
1. The following are considered major violations;
a. Abuse, vandalism or failure to safeguard equipment and facilities, and, any, and all abusive treatment to URTV staff as stated in Section III.A.3. of URTV’s
Rules and Operating Procedures document.
Your commercial programming violation included words to the following: “we know that we shouldn’t say this but we will anyway.” You still do not accept your responsibility for the cancellation of your show and you have not made an appointment to speak with me.
Please check the Rules and Procedures to avail yourself of the appeal and grievance procedure. See Section III.D.
Very truly yours,
Pat Garlinghouse
Executive Director
cc: URTV Operations Committee Chair
some people have asked me to post all of the letter ,i got back from pat..
Tues. June 9, 2009
Dear Mr Blackwell,
Please be advised that your recent request to be a participating member of URTV and use of the facility is denied due to: failure to accept responsibility for following the Rules and Procedures of URTV and repeated abuse of URTV equipment and staff. You may, if you choose, use your membership to submit DVDs made elsewhere. If you choose not to submit programming, we will gladly refund your membership fee.
Please refer to the Rules and Operating Procedures document.
III. Rules, Violations and Loss of Privileges
A. Definitions and Limitations
3. Any producer who engages in activities in the URTV facility that are harassing, threatening, purposefully detrimental or damaging to another producer, URTV staff member, or URTV resources will be asked to leave the building.
C. Violations of the Rules and Procedures
1. The following are considered major violations;
a. Abuse, vandalism or failure to safeguard equipment and facilities, and, any, and all abusive treatment to URTV staff as stated in Section III.A.3. of URTV’s
Rules and Operating Procedures document.
Your commercial programming violation included words to the following: “we know that we shouldn’t say this but we will anyway.” You still do not accept your responsibility for the cancellation of your show and you have not made an appointment to speak with me.
Please check the Rules and Procedures to avail yourself of the appeal and grievance procedure. See Section III.D.
Very truly yours,
Pat Garlinghouse
Executive Director
cc: URTV Operations Committee Chair