Joe Dunn
Political party: Republican
Residence: Asheville
Occupation: Retired dentist
Education: B.A. University of North Carolina; D.M.D. University of Louisville
Political experience: Asheville City Council 4 years; Economic Development Commission, Asheville/Buncome Water Authority, Airport Authority, Community Development Block Grant Committee, Police Advisiory Committee
Endorsments: None
1) How much money have you raised for your campaign? Who are your top three donors, and how much has each contributed?
Information not provided
2) What is your position on the Parkside condominium proposal?
“All city/county property sales must meet all the legal qualifications and be transparent. … The size and scope of all developments must pass through the city of Asheville’s UDO and go before City Council. If the development meets all criteria, Council must approve it even if they [don’t like it].”
3) What most distinguishes you from your opponents in this primary?
“My public record backs up many of the issues I am bringing forward. The city and county must learn to work together instead of this constant fighting for ‘turf.’ My solution to end the water dispute … had county and state delegation support, but the City Council rejected it.”
4) What do you consider to be your most controversial policy position, and why
“Consolidation of as many city/county services as possible that can save taxpayer money and provide the same services. Many of our citizens ask the same question. The problem is that local politicians and bureaucrats on both sides want to protect their power and influence at the expense of the taxpayer.”
5) What would you do to attract better-paying jobs to the area?
“Stop the ‘nickle and diming’ costs for businesses to operate and expand. Work with the Chamber of Commerce to recruit and attract new companies to relocate to Asheville. The continued rise in taxes takes more out of the pockets of working people and increases the pressure for higher pay.”
6) Has the present board conducted its business with sufficient transparency? If not, what would you do to increase openness?
“All county land sales and new issues need as much public advertising as is legally possible. The public needs to know what is going on. I would support as much transparency as is possible.”
7) Should the public-comment period before and after board meetings be televised? Why or why not?
“I think the commissioners need to televise every portion of their meetings. All forms of public comment need to be televised. My four years on Council showed me that you have nothing to fear from hearing what the public has to say, even when it goes against your [own] opinions.”
8) What steps, if any, would you support to increase the supply of affordable housing in Buncombe?
“Removing as many permitting fees and infrastructure costs [as possible] and reducing property-tax rates for all Buncombe County homeowners will help. Government cannot cure the affordable-housing problems; the economic realities simply are too strong. Better-paying jobs and less government can cure many of these issues.”
9) Should the cities and towns in Buncombe consolidate any services? Why?
“I have always advocated for as much consolidation as is economically possible. My actions on Council produced the new city/county joint communications center. That was not the action of the present City Council nor the mayor. Any joint project that can save taxpayer money should be attempted.”
10) Are current slope-construction regulations appropriate? If not, how would you change them?
“I honestly am not familiar with the fine details of these regulations. However, I do not like seeing our mountains destroyed by overbuilding. I think development requirements need to be carefully thought out with the use of common sense, best practices and not emotion. We must protect our natural heritage.”
Just as is Dunn’s run-up to City Council, he is dishonest and deceptive in his answers.
This man never met a developer or a development he didn’t like. On City Council, he constantly criticized residents, staff, and fellow Council members for holding developers to any minimal standards. He truly believes – which he stated as a member of the City Council – that public tax dollars should be used to build roads and other infrastructure for developers. This man is a local George W. Bush clone, dumb and dishonest to the core.