John Carroll
Political party: Republican
Residence: North Buncombe
Occupation: Real-estate broker and instructor
Education: B.A. University of Kentucky
Political experience: Buncombe County Board of Education 8 years; former president, N.C. Association of Realtors; former president, Buncombe County Schools Foundation
Endorsements: None
1) How much money have you raised for your campaign? Who are your top three donors, and how much has each contributed?
Total: $5,650 (plus loan from self)
Top three: Albert Sneed $1,000; Diane Israel, $250, George Morosani $250
2) What is your position on the Parkside condominium proposal?
“More due diligence was needed on both sides before the transaction closed.”
3) What most distinguishes you from your opponents in this primary?
“My experience with government over the last 30 years.”
4) What do you consider to be your most controversial policy position, and why
“I don’t consider one thing as the most controversial since I have not been elected to this position or had enough time during the campaign.”
5) What would you do to attract better-paying jobs to the area?
“More consideration needs to be given to regulations that could depress more employment. More job creation increases competition in the work force, which creates higher wages.”
6) Has the present board conducted its business with sufficient transparency? If not, what would you do to increase openness?
“The commissioners need more transparency and less ‘express’ rule making. This is especially true with the various boards and commissions who advise the commissioners.”
7) Should the public-comment period before and after board meetings be televised? Why or why not?
“I would need more input before expressing my view on this issue. I do support public dialogue, if that answers the question.”
8) What steps, if any, would you support to increase the supply of affordable housing in Buncombe?
“I’m a supporter of Mountain Housing Opportunities. We need more public dialogue with nonprofits, for-profits and other stakeholders.”
9) Should the cities and towns in Buncombe consolidate any services? Why?
“If efficiencies can be achieved, cities should approach the commissioners with more dialogue. I’m open to the discussion.”
10) Are current slope-construction regulations appropriate? If not, how would you change them?
“More study is needed to see if the various elevations are workable. ‘One size fits all’ can cause problems. The public dialogue was very short on these regulations.”
Wow. This guy is vague. The only policy position I see is deregulation.
my other research indicated that Caroll was the most antizoning candidate other than Yelton and he had my vote on that basis, but he is so vague here that Fryar looks more committed to repealing zoning and may get my vote instead. Of course I could vote for all 3 but would prefer to vote for just 2.