Buncombe GOP: Sweep out the Democrats

The Buncombe County GOP recently released a video that urges voters to “sweep out the Democrats.” The video features chairman Chad Nesbitt driving a street-sweeper truck covered with local Republican candidate campaign signs and honking his horn at Democrats gathered for an early voting rally.

“Small business guys don’t have a chance: the leadership of the Democratic Party has taxed us to death, they have regulated us to death, and it’s time for the business people to stand up,” says Nesbitt in the video. “Get out and early vote.”


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About Jake Frankel
Jake Frankel is an award-winning journalist who enjoys covering a wide range of topics, from politics and government to business, education and entertainment.

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14 thoughts on “Buncombe GOP: Sweep out the Democrats

  1. UnaffiliatedVoter

    He’s right! Dont DARE vote for another NC democrat! 112+ years of total democrat domination is quite enough!

  2. Susan Andrew

    It appears that, while Chad Nesbitt and his friends are out doing cute stunts like this (what a good idea! the names of Republicans posted all over the outside of a garbage truck!)–the Dems are running constant phone banks to actually get out the vote. This registered independent has had SO many calls from the Dems–but not one yet from the better-funded GOP.

  3. Piffy!

    I continue to maintain that Chad Nesbitt was carefully chosen to make sure that the Republicans DONT make much headway this November. Clearly, he is quite at home making a fool of himself and his party.

    The real question is when will they fire him and get a REAL leader, not a clown.

  4. shadmarsh

    The sign is spelled correctly and everything! Things are looking up for the BCGOP.

  5. Joihn

    I think you are a jerk, Chad—-what did it cost to drive that street sweeper up and down the street? Yout really are a complete JERK. And the Secret Service should have invwestigated you.

  6. Barry Summers

    …(what a good idea! the names of Republicans posted all over the outside of a garbage truck!)

    Excellent job, Comrade Chadsky. With your help, we’ll turn Buncombe County into a Soviet Workers paradise!!

    “…why don’t you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?”

  7. Barry Summers

    The video features chairman Chad Nesbitt driving a street-sweeper truck…

    I guess the midget with the broom from O Brother Where Art Thou was busy, this being election season…

  8. LOKEL

    I wonder and question the legality of Mr. Nesbitt driving that truck: does he have the proper license, who allowed him to use the truck (city, county), and if anyone has looked into this latest charade of his ….

  9. Paul -V-

    @Lokel, @Ashevillein:

    I wondered about that too, so I posted this question on Twitter yesterday:


    Bobby Coggins answered within a few minutes: Chad owns a street-sweeping business. They are his trucks.

    I didn’t know that.


    @Susan: Exactly.

    Dem operations in Buncombe are fairly sophisticated. They have a team of home-grown campaign organizers who work well together and understand how to navigate the local political landscape.

    BCGOP … not so much so.

    Chad doesn’t have the intelligence or leadership acumen to put together such a team. He’s more interested in one-shot stunts, mocking people, and looking tough in front of cameras.

    In short: The BCGOP elected a bully to lead them.

    – pvh

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