GOP Whip Eric Cantor coming to WNC today to stump for Jeff Miller

Republican Whip Eric Cantor (VA-7) will join 11th District Candidate Jeff Miller for a get-out-the-vote rally in downtown Hendersonville today from 2:00 – 2:45 pm. Cantor is one of the nation’s most powerful Republicans and often makes appearances on top news programs.

When: Tuesday, October 19 2:00-2:45 p.m.

Where: The Cedars
227 7th Avenue West
Hendersonville, 28791



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11 thoughts on “GOP Whip Eric Cantor coming to WNC today to stump for Jeff Miller

  1. LOKEL

    Looks like the NRC doesn’t think Miller has a chance or they would be sending a bigger gun than Cantor …..

  2. Thomas Paine

    Eric Cantor states that he is too busy working 4 days a week in Washington, creating jobs to debate his opponents. My question to Eric,…..What jobs? and why are you in North Carolina, instead of in your district campaigning?

    Also, if he thinks working 4 days a week is too hard, perhaps he needs to come down here to the 7th district of Virginia and find out what real work is. Most people’s work schedule down here is working 5, 6, and 7 days per week. Perhaps he just doesn’t want to answer to the questions that voters here are asking. Why did he vote to bail out his wife’s bank? Why did he vote to abolish Medicare years ago? Why did he vote to NOT raise the minimum wage? Why is he supporting corporate welfare? Why won’t he give back all that money from that convicted lobbiest? Yea, if I had that record….I would not want to debate either! Since he is not a conservative per his voting record, he might also be afraid of the Tea Party candidate Floyd Bayne who would take him to school on conservative thought.

  3. UnaffiliatedVoter

    Thangs aint good at the Shuler campaign or they wouldnt be sendin Billary…looks like Obamma would have jumped at the chance to return to AVL for Shuler, dont it?

    It’s time for some REAL CHANGE NOW!

  4. Taxed Enuf Already

    Eric Cantor is a good American who believes in the principles this country was founded upon. Jefferson’s view of America. “The government that governs least, governs best.”

    And Jeff Miller is definitely the best person for the job of representing this area in congress. VOTE MILLER! Jeff is not a politician. He is one of us. Shuler has already been corrupted by the swamp in Washington and is not fit to be our representative.

    Oh, I almost forgot. Gordon Smith’s recent voting record: Smith voted YES to a FORCED ANNEXATION of Royal Pines. Even Cecil voted no. Gordon is an extremist who doesn’t represent the views of most citizens in this area.

  5. Aaron Sarver

    Cantor is likely to be the next Speaker of the House. His visit is a very big deal. That combined with the DCCC coming into the district on behalf of Shuler means this race might be a lot closer than it seems.

  6. JWTJr

    Gordon – I didn’t see where he stood on forcible annexation. What do you think his stance is there?

  7. Dionysis

    Just saw two Miller ads while having lunch. Neither contained anything about what Miller is for; both ads just had a bunch of heavily-accented ‘regular people’ (probably sourced by the same PR firm that provided West Virginia Republicans with ‘hickey’ types for their ads) railing against Schuler and Nancy Pelosi. The only specific thing Miller was quoted on in the ads was that he “doesn’t support privatizing social security” which the national GOP has long championed. Perhaps he thinks people will believe his ‘independence’.

    As for ‘change’, Eric Cantor voted with Pelosi 57% of the time, more than John Boehner’s 52% with Pelosi.

    As for Troll’s wishful thinking about problems in the Shuler camp, the last poll conducted (Oct.11) shoes Shuler with a 13% lead. The actual result will probably be an even larger win margin, once people get into the polling booths.

  8. UnaffiliatedVoter

    Hey Gordon, Jane Whilden publicly proclaimed at the recent ‘debate’ that she was against FORCED Involuntary Annexation, YET, her name is no where to be found on NC HB 524 Annexation Reform Bill.

    What do you make of that? What is one to believe
    about Whilden and others who have difficulty representing the people in the way they expect?

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