Want to help assemble some playground furniture at the Lonnie Burton Head Start Center this Saturday?
The project involves some light carpentry, some raking, moving some mulch with a garden cart and so forth. Work starts at 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., or until finished. Food and beverages will be provided.
Work all day, or part of the day, as suits you.
The Burton Center is behind the Reid Center, on Livingston Ave. From downtown, follow South French Broad to the end, turn left and go uphill a couple of blocks. The Reid Center is on your left. Turn down the street just past the brick building; parking lot is on the left behind the building.
An RSVP would be great, but not necessary. You might want to bring gloves, and, of course, dress for a day outdoors in early December.
there should be a follow up story on this. The place was looking beautiful after a couple hours. I can’t wait to go back and see the finished product. Cecil knows how to swing a hammer!