Buncombe seeks new county park via partnershi­p

Within the next few years, Buncombe County residents may have new public trails to roam close to downtown Asheville. The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously April 18 to partner with the Asheville-based conservation nonprofit Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy to explore acquiring 343 acres on Deaverview Mountain for what could become the county’s largest […]

From Asheville Watchdog: Down 40% in numbers, Asheville police are overstretc­hed

Today, Asheville Watchdog continues its series Down Town, with an examination of the impact of a diminished police force especially downtown, where — as The Watchdog reported in Part 1 — merchants and residents have complained of increased break-ins and shoplifting, of human waste and needles in doorways, and of aggressive panhandlers.