Letter: A pass on Edwards’ senseless census idea

Graphic by Lori Deaton

By recently recycling his No Representation Without Legal Immigration Act into the Equal Representation Act, it seems that Rep. Chuck Edwards channeled “Oops! …I Did It Again,” only he probably can’t dance and is surely less adult than Britney Spears. Whatever this “successful” legislation is titled, it’s still a tired repeat of his original un-American Constitution-shredding act.

Perhaps Chuck hopes to sell off his burger franchises and then audition before Terrified-Of-Convictions (in every sense of the word) DJ Trump for the unholy job of setting up concentration camps across the nation to imprison 11 million or more “illegal” immigrants. It’s our neighbors who boxer-shorts Donnie wants to snatch from their homes and workplaces in a massive Gestapo-ish mobilization if he becomes the Real-And-Also-Plays-One-On-TV president again.

Chuck, I’ve got a bargain for you. When every state gets its number of senators based only on population — sorry Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, Alaska, South Dakota, Delaware, Montana and so on — and when the president is elected by popular vote nationwide, then maybe we can trade an undemocratic Electoral College for your senseless census idea. Nah, never mind. Your ethnic cleansing nightmare isn’t worth accepting for any price.

By the way, the “ERA” should be considered owned by us “woke” people, in the form of the Equal Rights Amendment. Now, if your intention is to revive that ERA and make equal rights for women the law of the land in our Constitution, I’m with you, buddy.

— Paul Weichselbaum

Editor’s note: The writer reports donating to Caleb Rudow’s campaign “to win the District 11 seat and restore honor to our representation in Congress.”


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3 thoughts on “Letter: A pass on Edwards’ senseless census idea

  1. Voirdire

    thanks for this…. Edwards is a posing brainless MAGA flunkie that thinks his grandstanding is actually credible legislation. Nothing about it or him is credible. Nothing.

  2. Voirdire

    again, thanks for this letter… right on spot. I have in mind a piece of legislation that might be worth considering… anyone who ever voted for the Rump should be banned from voting for the rest of their lives. Pretty straightforward… sigh.

  3. Mike Rains

    The author does a good job of bashing Representative Edwards but not a very good job of explainng clearly why he is against this bill. The reader doesn’t know whether the author believes Chuck Edwards is against immigration in general, or whether he’s against the free-for-all immigration we’ve been experiencing under both parties adminstrations.

    For me, the proposed bill of requiring the census to “attempt” to determine U.S. citizenshup status and then use that data in election apportioning makes some sense at first glance; however, realistically only on a superficial level: There would be nothing to guarantee that non-US citizens reply honestly; and the census only occurs every 10 years. So to me the bill is more posturing than something really efficient and effective.

    All that said, I am and have been strongly opposed to the way immigration has been handled in my country. I fully support immigration but believe it must be done under a proper legal and planned framework; not the free-for-all we’ve seen under Biden and to a lesser extent but still present under Trump 1.

    What Americans have totally missed in this serious issue (due to both parties rhetoric and political pandering) is that
    BOTH parties are complicit in this expedient method for increasing US population/improving US demographics.

    BOTH parties know that this expedient approach has been utilized so as to EXPLOIT these illegals for cheap labor throughout the country (e.g., Tyson Foods at the corporate level and most of us who like low priced house projects/services at the citizen level). BECAUSE the exploitation can only occur when these immigrants have real fear of their legitimacy and status.

    Everything you read/see on this travesty (and by BOTH parties) is done to pander to the fears, misconceptions and biases of voters on both sides, including this bill by Edwards. Neither party is willing to be honest to its citizens about why they both allow it to continue in the manner it is being accomplished.

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