Gordon [Smith] is experienced and informed. Since he has spent several years effectively serving on City Council, he truly knows how Buncombe County and the city of Asheville intertwine. He can tap into that natural synergy to improve both the city and the county.
During his tenure, I have witnessed thriving small business, increased and improved public transportation, and some much-needed improvements to my neighborhood in West Asheville.
I don’t know anyone who cares more about the future of our beautiful corner of the world and the people who live here and make it what it is. Please join me in voting for Gordon Smith for Buncombe County Board of Commissioners on March 15!
— Billy Doubraski Asheville
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20 thoughts on “Letter writer: Gordon Smith is experienced, informed”
Billy…sorry bud, but you are sadly mistaken about what has helped West Avl…and you are delusional about the merits of
Gordon Smith, consummate controller and power seeker …WHY do people like him and Holly Jones CRAVE POWER SO MUCH ???
> increased and improved public transportation
This is the same Asheville that wants to CUT Sunday service?
They cancelled it this past Sunday due to the snow, but where do you see them wanting to ‘cut’ it? I hadn’t heard that.
LOL, but the clown Smith won’t be a rider though lulz. He wouldn’t dare go an actually wait at a bus stop to catch a ride to his $200 dinner LOL. That’s the disconnect that the lefty loonies don’t see nor do they ever want to LOL. Only that they FEEL yet they are exempt from having to deal with it lulz.
amusing that we see this flurry of Gordo Smithiness suddenly splashed everywhere…surely people aren’t so clueless…
LOL, can’t talk to people who think VA style single payer health care is a good thing lulz. The only thing I can figure out is that people that support Smith and are exempt from actually dealing with what he stands for, If you’ve ever witnessed wrecks on the Smokey Park/Bowen bridge day after day after day, thank Smith for it. He was instrumental in making sure that the I-26 connector was delayed LOL.
There’s a huge disconnect in this town and area between the rich and upper middle class that control things and those that work lulz. And instead of ridiculing people on message boards, look at how Smith treats those that ask questions LOL. But you dopes don’t want accountability LOL. And his actions are ignored lulz,
He was instrumental in making sure that the I-26 connector was delayed LOL.
I hear it was actually Gordon that kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, falsified the data on WMDs in Iraq, and oh yeah, he shot J.R. Ewing.
Peter Robbins
I think he took a bite out of my $200 sandwich, too. Last time I go to one of those power lunches.
Gordon Smith. Grassy Knoll. Enough said.
And hey, what’s up with Gordon Smith and this whole continental drift we keep hearing about?
And hey, what’s up with Gordon Smith and this whole continental drift we keep hearing about?
I know, right? Gordon’s a Pangea hater from way back. Liberal.
Did you also know that every time he exhales Gordon Smith releases carbon dioxide into the air? What is it he has against the rest of humanity that he keeps all the oxygen he breathes for himself and leaves the rest of us only with carbon dioxide?
hilarious. tacky is as tacky does, right ?
LOL, considering you personally wasted a whole hell of a lot of taxpayer money on a bogus water lawsuit that the lefty loonies brought on because of rampant MISUSE and EXTORTION, your disconnect shows. Just think homey, you blame people in Raleigh for taking the system away yet you don’t get that if the system was managed properly and the money was used to actually upkeep it instead of using it as a tool to annex people against their will, the residents wouldn’t have to face not only private fees, but now also even higher taxes lulz. Good job LOL. But to you and the rich clowns in this town, what’s a few hundred grand here or there lulz. Just raise taxes even more BECAUSE OF WAL-MART LOL or enact garbage fees or just raise the “storm water fees”. Why money grows in everyone’s backyard lulz.
Smith was instrumental with the last delay in the corridor a few years back. He gloated about it as a matter of FACT lulz. It is a matter of record and I’m sure the ACT archives will have it.
Oh puke. North Korean videos showing school children in total adoration of the dictator Kim are more inspiring than these organized letters to the editor praising screwy fooligan.
Peter Robbins
“Yep” is up there now — right on time. Apparently she/he was delayed in moderation. Which brings up a point: why are the trolls here so exercised about Gordon Smith’s old website, Scrutiny Hooligans? Was one of them banned from commenting or something? It would be really tacky to hold a grudge over that.
Was one of them banned from commenting or something?
Yeah, they used to do that a lot. Conversations would get pretty heated, and then Boom! You’d get the dreaded white screen.
I myself was banned for a while for criticizing the way they ran things over there. In 2011, I actually went to bat for Tim Peck’s right to comment there, given that he had filed to run for City Council. Even though I disagree with him most of the time, to me, it looked really bad that a popular political site affiliated with another Council member was not allowing him to participate. Still waiting for a thank you…
“why are the trolls here so exercised about Gordon Smith’s old website, Scrutiny Hooligans? Was one of them banned from commenting or something?”
In a word, yes.
screwy hooligans and gordo were VERY INTOLERANT of opposing opinions…that’s typical lieberal progressive method…INTOLERANCE while preaching tolerance…
You can tell a lot about who a person is by their not-so-distant past. When this guy first ran for city council, he put out a bunch of B.S. about how he was so good about working with other people and cited a few republicans by name. This was the same person who practically lived on the Citizen-Times message board calling conservatives “racists” with no evidence to back up such slander. Every tirade he posted back then from what I recall had a plug for his blog which was a hoot for its hysteria-driven posts. Why non-progressives even bothered posting there on his message board was beyond me. It’s not like Smith ever answered any of their questions – a trait he continues to this day. Now if you’ll all excuse me, these letters to the editor about Smith are really making me nauseous. I think I’ll take a break and watch some North Korean propaganda videos on youtube – at least theirs are interesting.
Peter Robbins
Sorry to hear about your tummy troubles, “James.” Are you implying that sockpuppet critics of Gordon Smith lack intestinal fortitude?
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Billy…sorry bud, but you are sadly mistaken about what has helped West Avl…and you are delusional about the merits of
Gordon Smith, consummate controller and power seeker …WHY do people like him and Holly Jones CRAVE POWER SO MUCH ???
> increased and improved public transportation
This is the same Asheville that wants to CUT Sunday service?
They cancelled it this past Sunday due to the snow, but where do you see them wanting to ‘cut’ it? I hadn’t heard that.
LOL, but the clown Smith won’t be a rider though lulz. He wouldn’t dare go an actually wait at a bus stop to catch a ride to his $200 dinner LOL. That’s the disconnect that the lefty loonies don’t see nor do they ever want to LOL. Only that they FEEL yet they are exempt from having to deal with it lulz.
amusing that we see this flurry of Gordo Smithiness suddenly splashed everywhere…surely people aren’t so clueless…
LOL, can’t talk to people who think VA style single payer health care is a good thing lulz. The only thing I can figure out is that people that support Smith and are exempt from actually dealing with what he stands for, If you’ve ever witnessed wrecks on the Smokey Park/Bowen bridge day after day after day, thank Smith for it. He was instrumental in making sure that the I-26 connector was delayed LOL.
There’s a huge disconnect in this town and area between the rich and upper middle class that control things and those that work lulz. And instead of ridiculing people on message boards, look at how Smith treats those that ask questions LOL. But you dopes don’t want accountability LOL. And his actions are ignored lulz,
He was instrumental in making sure that the I-26 connector was delayed LOL.
I hear it was actually Gordon that kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, falsified the data on WMDs in Iraq, and oh yeah, he shot J.R. Ewing.
I think he took a bite out of my $200 sandwich, too. Last time I go to one of those power lunches.
Gordon Smith. Grassy Knoll. Enough said.
And hey, what’s up with Gordon Smith and this whole continental drift we keep hearing about?
And hey, what’s up with Gordon Smith and this whole continental drift we keep hearing about?
I know, right? Gordon’s a Pangea hater from way back. Liberal.
Did you also know that every time he exhales Gordon Smith releases carbon dioxide into the air? What is it he has against the rest of humanity that he keeps all the oxygen he breathes for himself and leaves the rest of us only with carbon dioxide?
hilarious. tacky is as tacky does, right ?
LOL, considering you personally wasted a whole hell of a lot of taxpayer money on a bogus water lawsuit that the lefty loonies brought on because of rampant MISUSE and EXTORTION, your disconnect shows. Just think homey, you blame people in Raleigh for taking the system away yet you don’t get that if the system was managed properly and the money was used to actually upkeep it instead of using it as a tool to annex people against their will, the residents wouldn’t have to face not only private fees, but now also even higher taxes lulz. Good job LOL. But to you and the rich clowns in this town, what’s a few hundred grand here or there lulz. Just raise taxes even more BECAUSE OF WAL-MART LOL or enact garbage fees or just raise the “storm water fees”. Why money grows in everyone’s backyard lulz.
Smith was instrumental with the last delay in the corridor a few years back. He gloated about it as a matter of FACT lulz. It is a matter of record and I’m sure the ACT archives will have it.
Oh puke. North Korean videos showing school children in total adoration of the dictator Kim are more inspiring than these organized letters to the editor praising screwy fooligan.
“Yep” is up there now — right on time. Apparently she/he was delayed in moderation. Which brings up a point: why are the trolls here so exercised about Gordon Smith’s old website, Scrutiny Hooligans? Was one of them banned from commenting or something? It would be really tacky to hold a grudge over that.
Was one of them banned from commenting or something?
Yeah, they used to do that a lot. Conversations would get pretty heated, and then Boom! You’d get the dreaded white screen.
I myself was banned for a while for criticizing the way they ran things over there. In 2011, I actually went to bat for Tim Peck’s right to comment there, given that he had filed to run for City Council. Even though I disagree with him most of the time, to me, it looked really bad that a popular political site affiliated with another Council member was not allowing him to participate. Still waiting for a thank you…
“why are the trolls here so exercised about Gordon Smith’s old website, Scrutiny Hooligans? Was one of them banned from commenting or something?”
In a word, yes.
screwy hooligans and gordo were VERY INTOLERANT of opposing opinions…that’s typical lieberal progressive method…INTOLERANCE while preaching tolerance…
You can tell a lot about who a person is by their not-so-distant past. When this guy first ran for city council, he put out a bunch of B.S. about how he was so good about working with other people and cited a few republicans by name. This was the same person who practically lived on the Citizen-Times message board calling conservatives “racists” with no evidence to back up such slander. Every tirade he posted back then from what I recall had a plug for his blog which was a hoot for its hysteria-driven posts. Why non-progressives even bothered posting there on his message board was beyond me. It’s not like Smith ever answered any of their questions – a trait he continues to this day. Now if you’ll all excuse me, these letters to the editor about Smith are really making me nauseous. I think I’ll take a break and watch some North Korean propaganda videos on youtube – at least theirs are interesting.
Sorry to hear about your tummy troubles, “James.” Are you implying that sockpuppet critics of Gordon Smith lack intestinal fortitude?