Monumental tides

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Pre emptive nullification of looney
Lost Cause historical revisionism arguments:
As always, Brent Brown knocks it out of the ballpark.
Well done. The historical review of editorial-cartooning styles is a particularly nice touch.
It’s what I do.
I’m just tired of folks shoving a phone in my face for having a
history degree and screaming
If only comments sections on a small town rag had paid fact checkers.
It would be boring, but facts might rear their ugly head again.
Brent Brown and Calder is the only reason I bother here.
I was talking about the Brown cartoon.
Touche’! M’sieu le Rocquer is hoist by his own petard!
Aw garsh darn I guess you ‘got me’ on the Internet!
Carly Simon as a musical reference is like using Guy Fieri
as a cooking reference haha back.
But enough about you. Back to the cartoon. It makes a fact-based point that many people refuse to understand because they have bought into the mythology that the United Daughters of the Confederacy worked so hard to spread.
No kidding- whether the Lost Cause argument,
‘ehhh Japanese/immigrant gulags were summer camps’,
‘slavery wasn’t that bad for Africans’,
‘the white guy is the real victim for civil rights’, etc
historical revisionism is a dangerous and Orwellian ploy that
is used more and more now for some hmmm strange reason.
No need to be snippy. I was just trying to get back on topic and reduce the distractions.
Thank goodness they made you a mod here.
Now civil discourse is restored.
It’s what I do.
But enough about me . . .