It’s a greens scene

‘Round these parts, people have a serious need for greens. Fortunately, area farmers feed that need by growing almost every variety under the sun. Hal Oliver of Oliver Organics in Hendersonville grows at least 15 different types of greens. While he grows many you’re likely familiar with, including collards, kale and green cabbage, he doesn’t […]

Local strawberri­es in winter?

Winter: the big shivering elephant in the room. Sure, it’s difficult to imagine the weeks without our many bustling tailgate markets now, but the time is approaching. Don’t panic just yet, though. Thanks to the folks at Blue Ridge Food Ventures, you can enjoy a perfect summer sun-ripened tomato come February. How? Sign up for […]

Big ideas for a small school system

As one of the smallest systems in our region, the Asheville City Schools enjoy certain advantages. One is that even small-scale projects can make a big difference for this diverse student body, which is really representative of our entire community. Here are some of the exciting initiatives already under way. Reforming schools from within A […]

An apple abundance

Hopefully you’ve managed to go pickin’ this apple season. If not, now's the time — or at least time to find baskets of juicy, crisp local apples at your farmers market. What can you do with the abundance of fruit? Local chefs and bakers suggest pies, cobblers, crisps, tarts, jams, chips, cider and applesauce for […]

Ready, set… pick!

Don Justus has seen people do just about anything to take home some of his apples. In his youth, ladies from a visiting church group refused brown bags, opting instead to fashion their bloomers into larger, sturdier carriers. Recently, a family who’d driven up from Columbia, S.C., donned matching rain boots, coats and hats, and […]

Another roadside attraction

Look into our crystal ball and you’ll see a future where you can plan a Southern Appalachian food and farm adventure — think a Tuscan getaway in your own backyard — with the click of a button! (Okay, with a couple of clicks. But, it will be easy, we promise.) At Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project […]

Eatin’ in Season

To some, summer is all about swimming and sunlight. To others, it’s about local tomatoes. Period. “Texturally, there is nothing like a good vine-ripened local tomato,” says Chris Aquilino, personal chef, caterer and owner of Picasso’s Plate Cuisine. “They’re soft and supple.” The taste? It doesn't even compare it to that of a trucked-in tomato, […]

Eatin’ In Season

With the exception of one winter spent working for Sears just after high school graduation, Ray Chambers has been farming his entire life. Family Farmin’: Ray Chambers farms approximately 40 acres, many of which were farmed by his father and grandfather. Photos courtesy of ASAP “As soon as it got to be warmer weather, I […]