Faces in the crowd: WNC crowdfundi­ng initiative­s

Each week, Xpress highlights notable WNC crowdsourcing initiatives that may inspire readers to become new faces in the crowd. This week features the Fox and Beggar Theatre’s art fusion production, Noah Proudfoot Stockdale’s musical musings on love, improved resources for the Drum Heads podcast and a traveling documentary and art exhibit about estranged siblings’ visual art.

Faces in the crowd: WNC crowdfundi­ng campaigns

Crowdfunding platforms make it possible for individuals and organizations of any size to harness social networks and raise startup capital for projects that might otherwise fail due to lack of funding. This week: self-reliance through chickens, new adventures at Firestorm Books and a re-published Tarot classic.

Faces in the crowd: WNC crowdfundi­ng campaigns

Each week, Xpress highlights notable WNC crowdsourcing initiatives that may inspire readers to become new faces in the crowd. This week features singer and guitarist Dulci Ellenberger’s debut solo effort, the 10-can percussion troupe’s upcoming collaboration with composer Andy Smith and a kid-friendly introduction to computer programming by inventor Dan Alich.