“I believe that a fence or some sort of permanent barrier needs to be put up around the affected areas to keep Highland Brewing’s patrons from being able to go into our neighborhood.”

“I believe that a fence or some sort of permanent barrier needs to be put up around the affected areas to keep Highland Brewing’s patrons from being able to go into our neighborhood.”
Anton Sluder never thought he’d be excited about his future. “Who was going to help someone like me?” he says. With a felony record and a history of substance use, he had little hope. But when Sluder left prison in September 2021, he was assigned a peer support specialist through Investments Supporting Partnerships in Recovery […]
“Over half of Buncombe County residents we surveyed in our 2021 Underage Drinking Survey said they feel that underage drinking is a problem here.”
Although excessive alcohol consumption can cause myriad health problems, moderate consumption of alcohol can actually improve health, according to a variety of studies.
Lately, it seems as if certain multi-lettered agencies are following the letter of the law, more than the spirit, when it comes to spirits, and particularly malt beverages in beer-soaked Asheville and surrounding areas. Whether a result of too many alcohol-related fests too fast; poor communication from one side, the other, or both; or a new focus to step up enforcement; […]
North Carolina’s alcohol laws are slowly changing to allow greater freedom for the state’s growing number of brewers, distillers and bar owners. However, despite the progress, local industry advocates say many key concerns remain untouched by recent reforms.
Founded in 2005, the Asheville-Buncombe Drug Commission completed its first annual report. The report, which attempts to give a current look at substance abuse in Buncombe County and provide a plan to address it, was released yesterday, Oct. 15. A link to the report can be found in this post. (Image shown is a screenshot taken of the report itself)
Irony, thy name is voter.
I was recently in a local store, intending to purchase a single bottle of wine. I was notified by the cashier that I'd have to wait until noon to purchase this item, as it was Sunday. Is this asinine and arbitrary statute still on the books? Our state legislators need to take on as part […]