“Of all the forms of animal agriculture, those advocating ethical slaughter practices should probably be the first to truly have glass walls.”

“Of all the forms of animal agriculture, those advocating ethical slaughter practices should probably be the first to truly have glass walls.”
“Once again, we see the tendency of the far left to attack the almost far left for not being pure or strident enough.”
I'd like to rebut an argument I've read in your paper, one that I hear often from animal rights people [“What About All the Other Animals?,” July 4 Xpress]. That argument is: If people stopped breeding purebred dogs, everyone who is now buying puppies from them would get a dog from the shelter instead. Not […]
“Eat This Vacation,” a food story in the Feb. 7 Xpress, is a glaring example of the disconnect that most humans have about food. The article was accompanied by a photo of a very young lamb and mother. The writer remarked about how lucky she was — while visiting East Fork Farm — to experience […]
Recently I had the misfortune to accompany a friend to a cat breeder in North Carolina. In my complete ignorance, I was shocked and dismayed to see cats confined in small cages in a small shed for the purpose of breeding. When did it become acceptable to satisfy a selfish want for purebred animals at […]
Albert Schweitzer said, "think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight," and those words were never far from mind while reading "Feral Pigs, Beaver and Watermelon" in the Aug. 10 Xpress. Over half a dozen species unwillingly and unnecessarily lost their lives so that local "foodies" could “pay homage to the […]