Tag: Asheville real estate
Showing 1-7 of 7 results

Myth illogical

Letter: How welcoming is Asheville to people of less means?
“I couldn’t help wondering how our ‘native’ population, of all races, who are struggling with gentrification, unaffordable housing, nonliving wages and income inequality might be feeling when they hear that story.”

Letter: Now that you’re here, it’s time to help out
“Asheville residents struggle to buy houses here because of stagnant wages, under- and unemployment, and ballooning home prices due to folks from other places buying homes ‘sight unseen.'”

Biz Briefs: Venture Asheville announces 2019 mentorship cohort
Sixteen Asheville-area startups will receive intensive personalized support from Venture Asheville as part of the entrepreneurship initiative’s Elevate program. Local business owners will be paired with successful company founders, executives and functional experts to help work through the challenges and opportunities of business growth.

2018 in review: What mattered for affordable housing in WNC
With apologies to Jane Austen, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a resident of Western North Carolina in possession of little fortune must be in want of affordable housing. In 2018, governments and organizations throughout the area tried to tackle the problem with a range of creative solutions.

Letter: Asheville’s future lies in investing in our kids
“The way forward starts with understanding that the sugar high of property speculation and the accompanying trickle-down lies are not the answer: Up-skilling our kids is.”