The Gospel According to Jerry

An expert is a person from more than 50 miles away with a briefcase. Recently the city of Asheville hired a group of experts called Goody Clancy all the way from Boston, Mass., to tell us what we should do with our downtown in order to appease our no-growth activists. It seems like we go […]

Victims no more

Jay Yerkes died on Lexington Avenue on April 24, 2004. According to the autopsy report, Yerkes’ assailant, Mark Bradley Elkins, stabbed him 11 times with a boning knife: twice in the head (leaving behind a fragment of metal from the knife), once in the neck (leaving a superficial wound), twice in the chest, twice in […]

More than 500 homeless in Asheville, count reveals

A count conducted by local agencies found more than 500 homeless people in the city, Homeless Coalition officials announced April 1. Although the count is down from last year, it doesn’t reflect the full population, Homeless Initiative Coordinator Amy Sawyer explained. The local homeless population, she noted, is expected to increase in response to worsening […]

Latest numbers show 500+ homeless people in Asheville

There are more than 500 homeless people in the city, according to an annual count done by local homeless-service agencies, Homeless Coalition officials announced yesterday. Amy Sawyer, the city’s Homeless Initiative Coordinator, noted that the count, down from last year, does not reflect the full population, which is expected to rise with tightening economic conditions.

Asheville City Council

The Asheville City Council chamber has seen its share of controversy … but helmets? Scores of people wore protective headgear to Council’s Feb. 26 meeting—not because of physical danger, however, but to show support for a new city bicycle plan. On a roll: Helmet-clad cyclists showed up in droves to support Asheville’s bike plan at […]