After a lengthy public debate and close vote at the last formal Asheville City Council meeting, new rules allowing food trucks downtown narrowly passed. However, since a second vote is required when a development change that passes that closely, the rules are back for another reading at the Sept. 13 meeting.
Tag: Asheville City Council
Showing 1324-1344 of 1663 results
Local Matters: Russell drops from City race, poverty legal aid and Asheville as a “cesspool of sin”
In this edition of Local Matters — the Xpress weekly news podcast — reporter David Forbes talks about City Council member Bill Russell dropping out of his bid for re-election, Pisgah Legal Services efforts to increase access to legal help for the poor, and the recent claim by NC State Sen. James Forrester that Asheville is a “cesspool of sin.”
Bill Russell withdraws from Asheville City Council race
Asheville City Council member Bill Russell has withdrawn from the race. Russell, in a statement released on the Scrutiny Hooligans political blog, wrote that “there would be no greater regret for me than if I was not there fully for my kids with my time and energy as they move through these most important years of their lives.”
City Council candidates make their pitch to progressives *Video*
Local grassroots progressive organization, WNC for Change, hosted a forum this week that featured four of the nine Asheville City Council candidates explaining their positions on a variety of issues, from infrastructure improvements to economic development.
Do not vote for TJ Thomasson
When I read the Aug. 17 Xpress article about the City Council candidates, I immediately noticed TJ Thomasson [“And Then There Were Nine”]. I thought, “Great! A gay candidate that can represent me.” My excitement over the prospect of a young gay man on City Council led me to look deeper into what this candidate […]
We grow from our shortcomings and our mistakes
In life, we grow from our shortcomings and our mistakes, and I believe that we carry these experiences and become better people from life's trials and tribulations. The research into my past does reveal mistakes that I made — mistakes from my past, and I own them. The events noted by the letter writer are […]
Sierra Club endorses three candidates in Asheville City Council race
The Western North Carolina chapter of the Sierra Club recently announced its endorsements for Asheville’s City Council race. See their picks within …
LIVE: Coverage of Council’s North Asheville community meeting
Follow live Twitter coverage of Asheville City Council’s North Asheville community meeting here.
Lael Gray is professional community-builder
I was happy to see the City Council candidate profiles in the Aug. 18 Mountain Xpress, but the profile on Lael Gray, identifying her as a "graphic designer," grossly understated her professional qualifications and experience [“And Then There Were Nine]. Lael Gray has the most versatile skill set and diverse professional background of any candidate. […]
Asheville City Council Preview: Walkability in North Asheville
Tonight’s Ashevillle City Council community meeting agenda will focus on initiatives to improve walkable and pedestrian-friendly streets in North Asheville. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at UNC Asheville’s Sherrill Center.
Submit your questions for Asheville City Council candidates
Hello, Xpress readers, nine candidates are vying for three seats on Asheville City Council this year, and we’re developing our annual election guide questionnaire. What questions do you want the candidates to answer?
Twitter dispatches from the Aug. 23 City Council meeting
A roundup of Twitter dispatches from Xpress, from last night’s Asheville City Council meeting, focusing on the debate over allowing food trucks in downtown.
Food truck vote splits Council, second vote Sept. 13
Food trucks are in — almost. At their Aug. 23 meeting today, Asheville City Council members voted 4-3 to allow the mobile kitchens in the downtown business district. The split vote means that Council must take a second vote on Sept. 13 in order to enact the ruling.
Vote for Lael
My name is Elizabeth and I am 10 years old. If I could vote, I would vote Lael Gray for City Council. She made a lot of my life happen. She was the Jewish Community Center preschool director, which is the school I went to when I was younger. She is kind, loving and thoughtful. […]
Marc Hunt is capable and conscientious
I urge your readers to vote for Marc Hunt for Asheville City Council. I came to know and admire Marc when I served as a fellow member of the Asheville Greenway Commission from 2000 to 2008. As chairman of the AGC, he was a good listener who was able to hear and acknowledge all sides […]
Public service calls … Marc Hunt answers
Every once in a while public service calls to someone who brings the right mix of experience, values, productivity, perspective, integrity and likeability and that person answers. The citizens of Asheville are fortunate to have just such a person running for City Council: Marc Hunt. I have known Marc since 1977, when he started the […]
Chris Pelly will amaze you
I’ve been a Haw Creek Association board member for 10 years with Chris Pelly in the Haw Creek Homeowners Association. Pelly embodies leadership, a must for City Council. He takes on issues and tasks, follows through with discussions and phone calls. He pulls the group together — and not just our neighborhood. Pelly can pull […]
LIVE: Coverage of Council meeting, P&Z interviews
Follow live Twitter coverage of Asheville City Council’s Aug. 23 meeting, including a vote on new rules allowing food trucks in downtown and the pre-meeting interviews of candidates for the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Asheville City Council preview: Food trucks for downtown
One issue looms large on the agenda for tonight’s Asheville City Council meeting: new rules that would allow food trucks to operate in downtown. The issue has proven controversial, with some downtown restaurant owners mounting a concerted effort against the new rules. Also: interviewing (and picking) new Planning and Zoning Commission members.
Who would you appoint to Planning and Zoning? Take our poll
Changes in the city’s rules have left the city of Asheville’s Planning and Zoning Commission with more power over development than ever before. Because of that, City Council will hold interviews with nine candidates in City Hall on Aug. 23, looking to fill three open seats. Xpress is inviting readers to look at their applications and let us know your top pick.
Vote them out!
Now we know: The Republican Party and tea party, locally and nationally, have promulgated a draconian agenda of repressive and mean-spirited legislation that must not go unchallenged. Some examples of this agenda include voter ID, overriding Gov. Bev Perdue's veto of HB 854, restricting a woman's right to choose and eliminating numerous programs for the […]