Asheville City Council tentativel­y endorses budget plan, uncertaint­ies remain

While noting that much of its fate remains in the hands of the state legislature, at a special meeting this morning Asheville City Council gave staff the go-ahead to start drafting a budget based on a plan that calls for a 1 cent property tax increase and assumes the city and county may consolidate their parks and recreation operations by January.

Cesspool of stupid?

Asheville, we are used to doing great things, let's keep that up please. When my nephew visits I would like to take the bus on Saturday to the nature center — oh, we are going to cut both of those. OK, we'll just walk over to the Malvern Hills Park pool. Oh, cut too. Fine […]

Council contemplat­es tax increase, possible water lawsuit, approves Whole Foods developmen­t

Tonight, Asheville City Council discussed a possible tax hike to help offset some financial impacts that pending state legislation could have on the current budget crunch, and Mayor Terry Bellamy said she’d vote to sue the state if it went through with a proposal to forcibly transfer the city’s water system to the Metropolitan Sewerage District. Council also approved a Tunnel Road commercial development anchored by a Whole Foods.

At budget town hall, Ashevillea­ns endorse tax hike, some cuts

Unlike the last budget crunch town hall, tonight’s Asheville City Council forum in South Asheville was less a public comment marathon and more of a brainstorming session. After breaking into small groups, the roughly 40 residents who attended endorsed a property tax increase, along with some cuts and some suggestions of their own, to close Asheville’s budget gap.

Emotions high as Asheville City Council raises specter of sharp service cuts

To hear Asheville City Council and city staff tell it, a manageable budget gap is now a potential crisis, thanks to proposed state legislation affecting areas from the water system to business licenses. To close the $5.9 million gap, staff have proposed sharp cuts in everything from public safety to transit to parks and recreation. At a special town hall meeting today, city residents exhorted Council against certain cuts and criticized state legislators (and occasionally the city too).

We want a fair budget

In response to the state budget proposal, the North Carolina Student Power Union finds it necessary to remind Gov. Pat McCrory, state budget director James “Art” Pope, and the members of the state Legislature of the purpose of our state government: to serve all the people of North Carolina. Massive budget cuts to education and […]