A cultural bypass

Amid a contentious behind-the-scenes debate, a bill that would've originally allowed Buncombe County and its cities to consolidate parks and recreation departments was revised June 26 in the North Carolina Senate to exclude municipalities completely. First garnering bipartisan support this spring, recent revisions have highlighted ongoing political tensions between local and state officials over consolidation […]

Buncombe commission­ers split over culture authority, likely to delay budget vote

Buncombe County commissioners may likely delay their vote today on a $337 million budget. The source of the postponement appears to be the contentious behind-the-scenes debate over state legislation that would allow them to create an independent Cultural and Recreation Authority that consolidates services offered by the county and municipalities within Buncombe. Some commissioners say they weren’t consulted about a recent amendment to the CRA bill, and it’s unclear whether a majority of commissioners supported the amendment.