I'm a pro-tax progressive, meaning if something is for the common good (like, say, education), then it's worth spending the money to do it right. Republicans think all taxes are bad, and they're dead wrong. Roads and highways are for the public good; even businesses couldn't survive without taxes. Based on what I've read — […]
Tag: Buncombe County Board of Commissioners
Showing 736-750 of 750 results
CTS is not about politics — it’s about people and the environment
I think it’s only fair and just to actually look at the facts that escaped Mr. Ramsey in his letter in the Oct. 5 Xpress [“Don Yelton, Problem Solvent”]. I am an environmental-systems engineer with a concentration in water-quality management. I have a master’s degree in environmental-systems engineering from Clemson University and a master’s degree […]

Going green
Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Sept. 13, 2011 meeting CTS building condemned, demolition planned Grants sought for Mountain Mobility Buncombe County is working to cut energy costs, lower carbon emissions and preserve farmland, various staffers told the Board of Commissioners Sept. 13 in a series of reports on current environmental initiatives. Assistant County Manager Jon […]
The Parkway was made to view nature, not buildings
The proposed overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway of downtown Asheville is a horrific idea [“Skyline Item,” Aug. 24 Xpress]. While I can certainly understand the perceived potential for increased revenue that might be gleaned, it is doubtful that we would see much difference; Asheville is heavily advertised already. An overlook of a city would […]
Vote them out!
Now we know: The Republican Party and tea party, locally and nationally, have promulgated a draconian agenda of repressive and mean-spirited legislation that must not go unchallenged. Some examples of this agenda include voter ID, overriding Gov. Bev Perdue's veto of HB 854, restricting a woman's right to choose and eliminating numerous programs for the […]

On retainers
Buncombe County Board of Commissioners June 21, 2001 meeting $303 million budget approved Emma Elementary gets sidewalk New rules triggered by the “Great Wall of Reynolds” aim to improve the safety and appearance of large retaining walls. The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted the rules at their June 21 meeting. The changes had […]

Buncombe Commissioners vote to buy former Volvo site for $7 million
The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously June 28 to purchase the former Volvo plant at 2169 Hendersonville Road for $7 million in taxpayer funds. In the weeks leading up to the vote, county, city and state leaders have hinted that the purchase is part of a larger, multifaceted arrangement with a private employer to take over the site. And in the hours leading up to the vote, WLOS News 13 began reporting that the employer is the Canadian-based Linamar Corporation, a large manufacturer of engines, transmissions and drive trains.

Buncombe County Commissioners preview: Buy it and they will come? ***UPDATED Tues. 3:10 PM***
At its June 28 meeting, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners will consider buying the former Volvo plant on Hendersonville Road for $7 million in hopes of luring another large employer to the property. Meanwhile, the hints keep coming that the purchase could be part of a broader multifaceted jobs announcement: Board Chair David Gantt says “it’ll be one of the biggest hits we’ve had in years.” And News 13 Anchor Russ Bowen reports via Twitter that “sources say Linamar automotive parts company to take over Volvo plant.”

County, city and state officials point to possible big jobs announcement
Signs from county, city and state officials are pointing towards a possible big jobs announcement soon. However, many questions remain, including the details of Buncombe County’s plan to purchase the former Volvo plant at 2169 Hendersonville Road.

Actions taken at the June 21 meeting of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners
Here’s a list of actions taken at the June 21 meeting of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners.
A room of one’s own? A waste of taxpayers’ money
It appears that our county commissioners could not care less that taxpayers don’t want to go deeper in debt in the worst economy in years. They want seven new offices, plus a larger meeting room and a few other spaces at a total cost of $464,400, not including more furnishings and electronics. The meeting room […]
Commissioners: It’s our money, not yours!
It appears our commissioners haven’t accepted the fact that they are employees of the taxpayers of Buncombe County. Their travel allowance was just reduced from $650 every two weeks to $320 every two weeks, which is still unacceptable. Chairman Gantt wants the commissioners to be paid for the average miles they travel “as long as […]
Not ready for prime time
Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Nov. 16 meeting Conservation easement preserves Upper Broad River farmland County finances sound, auditor reports At their Nov. 16 meeting, the Buncombe County commissioners held off on adopting an incentives policy for developers building work-force housing, saying it needed further tweaking. The policy was written in response to last month’s […]

UPDATED: Buncombe County Commissioners Nov. 16 meeting summary
Buncombe County Commissioners tabled a vote on workforce housing incentives policy at their Nov. 16 meeting. In other actions…

Buncombe commissioners enact tougher steep-slope development rules
On Tuesday, Oct. 5, Buncombe County’s Board of Commissioners voted 5-0 to enact stricter steep-slope regulations for development. For details from Xpress reporter Jake Frankel’s live coverage via Twitter, read more.