Local Matters: The business of being a doctor, County Commission updates and UNCA environmen­talism

In this edition of Local Matters—the Xpress weekly news podcast—news intern Caitlin Byrd talks about her story on the business of being a doctor, reporter Jake Frankel gives details on the most-recent Buncombe County Commission meeting, and environmental reporter Susan Andrew talks about the ongoing efforts of a UNCA student environmental group.

Video: Spritex solar powered T-shirt cart

Here’s a video of the Spiritex solar-powered T-shirt cart, which can be found on the corner of Patton and Biltmore avenues in downtown Asheville. Spiritex sells locally made organic T-shirts; the cart is out on weekends, Mondays and other select dates. Conceived and designed by Spiritex employee Derek Sanders, the cart sports a rooftop solar setup that charges a battery for powering its evening lights and a small fan that keeps staff cool during the day. The custom-built cart also is composed of more than 60 percent recycled and salvaged materials.

Green Scene

Green living is healthy living Last year’s Asheville Earth Day was a busy, community-oriented shindig that packed Martin Luther King Jr. Park. This year will be even bigger, with the party moving to Pack Square Park in downtown Asheville and organizers teaming up with the YMCA and its Healthy Kids Day. The combined forces promise […]


Xeriscaping is becoming more and more popular — but what is it? The word xeros is Greek for “dry.” And “scaping,” obviously, comes from landscaping. Add them together and you get xeriscaping. You likely get the idea, too. Xeriscaping is a landscaping concept that allows for the minimization of water use in the garden. One […]

Attack of the adelgids!

The Eastern White Pine, Pinus strobus, is a fast-growing native used for plantation plantings, screens (where there isn’t too much wind), specimen trees and hedges. Its needles are long, slender and soft, and they eventually cover the ground, making a downy woodland carpet. The trunks are stately and the branches whorl around it. A mature […]

The Biz: Building business from the ground up

If you’ve ventured into any small, local business recently—whether it was a restaurant, retail store or other establishment—there’s a fair chance the proprietor or service provider got his or her start through Mountain BizWorks’ Foundations program. Cradle of business: These are just a fraction of the local businesess created locally thanks to Mountain BizWorks’ Foundations […]