“We should not have a complaint-based system; we should never have to get a noise administrator to come into our condos to measure sound after we complain.”

“We should not have a complaint-based system; we should never have to get a noise administrator to come into our condos to measure sound after we complain.”
Asheville, NC
City staff were called to account for a communication failure that led to the removal of mature fruit trees at George Washington Carver Edible Park last month. City Council approved a land use incentive grant for affordable housing on Simpson Street, amended the process for requesting a variance from the city’s signage ordinance and approved modest changes to the rules that govern downtown street performances.
On Tuesday, Oct. 25, Asheville City Council will consider new rules that would limit acoustic performances in two of the city’s most popular busking areas, the sidewalk on Haywood Street in front of Woolworth Walk and the Flat Iron at Battery Park Avenue and Wall Street. Also: a grant to support affordable housing development on Simpson Street and a change to the city’s signage ordinance.
“I don’t need no consolation, I don’t want your reservation” from lyrics to “Dirty Love” by Frank Zappa
Regulations intended to provide more city control over street musicians and performers are once again on the Public Safety Committee’s agenda. The committee will host a Downtown Public Space Management Forum on Wednesday, June 22 at 3 p.m. in the U.S. Cellular Center Banquet Hall.
“There are no one-size-fits-all solutions in planning: Each place is very different,” says Todd Okolichany, who began work as Asheville’s new planning director Sept. 8. “That’s a key value for me as a planner: recognizing the differences and uniqueness of each place.” Okolichany, 36, comes to Asheville from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where he was principal […]
Murmurs and rumors of potentially onerous metropolitan emolument costs cause buskers to cluster and abjure future censure.
As the city considers different ideas for the proposed “enhancement” of downtown (see the 2014 Downtown Enhancement Plan at avl.mx/0gw), please don’t throw buskers under the bus. Many of Asheville’s creative community — not only musicians but artists of all kinds — depend on street performance as part of their livelihood. Visitors and locals experience the street […]
by Paul Clark The biggest challenge to making a movie about the busking scene in downtown Asheville, says Erin Derham, was knowing when to stop. New buskers cycled through town all summer, giving the filmmaker endless possibilities to flesh out her story on the subculture these musicians inhabit. Super-organized and deadline-oriented, Derham gave herself six months […]
A bassoon duo performed classical music on Wall Street while a passerby helped hold the sheet music on the stand.
Over the weekend two blogs — one local, one which covers all of North America — captured local street performers at work.
The street performance band, featuring a bowed saw, trumpet, washtub bass and more, performs “St. James Infirmary.”
Asheville Streetstyle and Fret Knot Radio Hour team up for a unique photo and music contest.
Downtown Friday night highlights, mellow longboarding, student justice, Asheville High’s production of “Bye Bye Birdie,” a somber bit of Butoh, slot car racing, sinful wizards and local music via webcam.