After a closed session July 25, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners decided to delay acting on reacquiring the Parkside land until after Aug. 25, when a summary judgment in a lawsuit by George Pack’s heirs is expected. Also, campaign-finance records reveal that Parkside developer Stewart Coleman and his employees have donated $1,500 to the […]
Tag: campaign contributions
Showing 1-5 of 5 results

Commissioners delay Parkside action; Stanley, Ramsey received $2,100 from developer
After a closed session earlier today, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners decided to delay acting on reacquiring the Parkside land until after Aug. 25, when a summary judgment in a lawsuit by George Pack’s heirs is expected. Also, election records reveal that Parkside developer Stewart Coleman and his employees have donated $1,500 to the re-election campaign of commissioner Bill Stanley and $600 to that of Chairman Nathan Ramsey, who have both defended the controversial project.

Former Captain: Medford said “F*ck him” to campaign chair’s concerns
In the federal corruption trial of former Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford, a former captain testified that after hearing concerns from his campaign chair about cash being improperly turned into money orders, Medford responded, “F*ck him. We’ll keep doing what we’re doing.”

Video poker operator: Bribes given to sheriffs
In the corruption trial of former Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford, a salesman for a confessed illegal video-poker operator said that he repeatedly gave bribes — sometimes as much as $3,000 — to Medford, along with legal donations to the Clerk of Court and the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. The company also bribed the Haywood County Sheriff, he testified.

The battle of the (wallet?) bulge
Are campaign contributions swelling the tide against the property-transfer-tax option for counties?