The local Americana singer-songwriter releases his new EP, “Swinging for the Fences.”

The local Americana singer-songwriter releases his new EP, “Swinging for the Fences.”
San Francisco-by-way-of-Asheville hip-hop group Fist Fam drops a new LP, and gets ready to head back east.
Orange, the latest release from the local retro-pop band, is a post-disco confection.
The local singer/songwriter records his long-awaited sophomore album.
A review of the new album by Chachillie. Official release date is March 15.
Xpress got to listen to an advance copy of Grooves for Odd Times by local percussionist River Guerguerian.
Reviews of What Hurts the Most by Knives and Daggers, King of Hearts by Joshua Singleton, Real Good Man by Stephen Shealy and Annunciation St by The Mumbles.
If you appreciate anything about bluegrass, Ravens & Crows and its top-notch musicianship and intricate vocal harmonies will soon become a part of your most-played collection.
It’s a nostalgia act, but that’s the appeal to The Cheeksters. The Golden Birds is full of radio-friendly sounds and its bubbly pace will probably make for a great car commercial aimed at hip 20-somethings.
When you hear Johnson for the first time, be prepared for one of the most raspy, dirty growls known to the vocal fry register, the lowest of the low.
Two very different local CDs for your consideration: An album of folk banjo and piano jazz from Average Joe, and a compilation of area punk and alternative bands from new label Umbrella Tree Records.