The Halloween Voter Guide to Asheville City Elections

With Halloween and the Asheville city elections so closely aligned, we offer both some scary art (by cartoonists Brent Brown and Randy Molton) and the candidates’ replies to five key questions.
Come midevening on Nov. 5, Asheville voters will have picked their new mayor and three City Council members. There are two mayoral candidates and five Council contenders (of whom two are incumbents). In a series of forums, what positions have the candidates taken? How have they responded to voter questions? Look for recent stories at, and check these excerpts from the candidates answers.

The great divide: Issues of race, justice, opportunit­y discussed at YWCA election forum

The final question asked of Asheville’s two mayoral and five city council candidates did not focus on the usual inquires raised during this municipal election. It wasn’t about the economy. It wasn’t about jobs. It wasn’t about the police department — though it certainly touched on all of those topics. And it had nothing to do with the Asheville Art Museum. (Photo by Max Cooper)

Asheville’­s city election season off to early start

Last week made it clear the city of Asheville’s political season is off to an early start, as this year’s elections will determine the majority of seats on Asheville City Council. Two mayoral candidates (Vice Mayor Esther Manheimer and former city staffer John Miall) have already declared, and Council member Cecil Bothwell says that he’ll run for another term. Photo by Max Cooper

Ending gun shows on city property faces legal complicati­ons

An assertion by Asheville City Council member Cecil Bothwell that the city’s ordinance banning firearms on city property should mean an end to gun shows here is unlikely to hinder this weekend’s show at the WNC Agricultural Center. State law restricts localities’ ability to regulate or prohibit gun shows, and city staff are currently looking into the implications of those rules.

Cecil Bothwell

Cecil Bothwell (I) Occupation: Publisher/artist/musician Previous candidacy: Incumbent, elected 2009, re-elected 2013 Affiliations: Member of the board of the People’s Park Foundation,, Projecto de las Escuelas Guatemaltecas, PARC. Treasurer PARC PAC. Member Democratic Party, Democracy for America, ACLU. Short-answer questions Why are you running for City Council? My track record on Council is […]

LIVE: Twitter coverage of Democratic candidate 11th Congressio­nal District debate

Tonight at 7:30 p.m., Brevard College will host a congressional debate for the Democratic candidates running for the 11th Congressional District. Cecil Bothwell and Tom Hill will face each other tonight. Hayden Rogers says he was unable to attend this debate due to a scheduling conflict. Use #avlelect to appear in our Twitter feed.

Bothwell, a Roosevelt Democrat

In the President’s State of the Union speech, he masterfully called America to rally to the vision of inclusiveness and fairness he has sought to implement through his presidency. Despite shrill Republican propaganda to the contrary, Obama has accomplished saving the country from complete financial meltdown, even over the unbridled and, at times, irrational opposition […]