“I have no problem with Christians being guided by their faith in their personal lives, but I do not want any of my elected officials making decisions that will impact all of us based on their religion. Whatever that religion is.”

“I have no problem with Christians being guided by their faith in their personal lives, but I do not want any of my elected officials making decisions that will impact all of us based on their religion. Whatever that religion is.”
“What I watched in the park [recently] was saddening. Neither side was ‘right,’ yet both were compelled to shout their version of the truth.”
“Yes, my friends, all lives do matter. But until white America realizes that black children are loved by their parents the same way you love yours, we are all in trouble. There’s a gaping hole in this country created by racism, and it’s waiting to be filled by something. It is we Americans, black and white, who will decide what fills this hole.”
Wild Goose Festival is a spiritually-charged four-day gathering held in Hot Springs from Thursday to Sunday, July 9-12.