City of Asheville taps Youth Leadership Academy participan­ts

A group of local students will each receive a summer internship, networking opportunities and a $2,000 scholarship, through the City of Asheville’s Youth Leadership Academy. The group, comprised of 25 students, was recently selected as the program’s incoming class of 2017. CAYLA, created in 2007, has helped more than 140 students gain real world experience […]

Man with a plan: Okolichany takes the helm as Asheville’­s planning director

“There are no one-size-fits-all solutions in planning: Each place is very different,” says Todd Okolichany, who began work as Asheville’s new planning director Sept. 8. “That’s a key value for me as a planner: recognizing the differences and uniqueness of each place.” Okolichany, 36, comes to Asheville from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where he was principal […]

Letter writer: City of Asheville is partly to blame for affordable housing problem

I’m curious about these local “experts” [“Collision Course,” July 29, part of Xpress’ affordable housing essay series].  Has anyone been interviewed who has been royally screwed by City Council’s collectivist legislation responsible for driving rental rates sky high? Years ago, Xpress covered the onset of my saga, regarding how the city initially forced me to […]

Letter writer: City of Asheville works with partners to house veterans

“Through a partnership with Homeward Bound, the city of Asheville provides support to implement the federal Supportive Services for Veteran Families grant. Homeward Bound was awarded $2.7 million in federal funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs to implement its Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) over the next three years.”

Asheville tries to keep pace with rising demands for sidewalks, bike lanes

From the Get It! Guide: Asheville is faced with a rising interest in transportation alternatives, but the path to greater advances seems to be lined with historic neglect and budgetary hurdles. The city still has a long walk ahead to fulfill its 2004 goal of building 108 miles of sidewalks. In the last decade, Asheville has constructed only about 18 miles worth.

City of Asheville CIO wins Impact award for cloud computing

Whereas cloud computing is more commonly used to back up data for companies or individuals, Next City, a nonprofit and quarterly magazine based in Philadelphia, credits Asheville as being one of the first cities to use a cloud-based data recovery system — and this kind of forward-thinking is winning our city (and our CIO) awards for its use of this innovation.

Mountain Xpress Wellness Supplement­: Preventive Care and Beyond Medicine

Beyond medicine Living the healthy life Part II of Xpress‘ two part special wellness feature (see Wellness Issues stories sidebar for articles from both special wellness issues). by Susan Foster, Wellness editor Increasingly, researchers, care providers, government agencies and even insurance companies are recognizing that social factors play a much larger role in determining health outcomes […]