Morgan’s Comics, Comic Envy and Pastime Comics enjoy mutual support in an evolving industry.

Morgan’s Comics, Comic Envy and Pastime Comics enjoy mutual support in an evolving industry.
There will be many local artists, including Asheville-based illustrators Gregory Dickens, Wayne Bernstein, Elizabeth Albright and Jarrett Rutland.
These days, geeking out is hot. Asheville is home to a vibrant community of people looking to express their nerdier side, and abundant businesses to serve them: From comic books to games to movies and more, this town has it all. Across the country, the cultural partitions surrounding geekdom are being torn down: What was […]
It appears that the geeks have inherited the Earth, or at least the realm of popular entertainment. And the Asheville Comic Expo celebrates all things geeky in Western North Carolina on Saturday, Oct. 24.