Released today, audits from the past 5 years show Mission Health has complied fully with regulations outlined in the state-issued Certificate of Public Advantage. Issued by the state in 1995, the COPA allowed Mission to merge with St. Josephs Hospital — if Mission agreed to state regulation. Voluntarily, Mission agreed and has been in the agreement ever since. However, earlier this year, Mission Health urged the House Select Committee on the Certificate of Need Process and Hospital Issues to reconsider.
Showing 1-8 of 8 results
WNC Community Healthcare Initiative releases statement about committee’s decision on COPA
Earlier today, the N.C. House Select Committee on CON and other Hospital Related Issues announced that they are not recommending any changes to Mission Health’s Certificate of Public Advantage at this time. The WNC Community Healthcare Initiative has released a statement on this decision.
Asheville’s big day in Raleigh
Today at 10 a.m., two major local issues will be discussed in Raleigh: the fate of the Asheville Water System and whether Mission Hospital will continue to operate under the only Certificate of Public Advantage in the state.
Mission CEO Ron Paulus says he hopes for no more COPA recommendations
On April 12, Mission Health hosted a legislative briefing luncheon to discuss the implications of the recommendations made in regard to the Certificate of Public Advantage. On April 19, the state committee will make its final decision regarding whether or not it will approve all, some, or none of the five recommendations.
WNC wellness review: The Mission COPA debate continues, local doc honored, and Rep. Giffords in town
In this week’s health-and-wellness review, a public meeting about Mission’s 1995 COPA proved passionate, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords comes to Asheville for two weeks of rehabilitation, and more.

Local Matters: NC House Select Committee on Certificate of Need and Related Hospital Issues
Xpress News Editor Margaret Williams talks about the complex issues surrounding the recent North Carolina House Select Committee on Certificate of Need and Related Hospital Issues meeting at the WNC Agricultural Center.

Keep patients in mind, some speakers tell legislative committee at public meeting
For three hours, a litany of area residents, doctors, health-care professionals and a few patients spoke out about competition and choice, giving a state legislative committee plenty to think about.
An Economic Analysis of the COPA agreement between N.C. and MIssion Health
On Feb. 10, 2011, Gregory S. Vistnes completed a report commissioned by MIssion Health System and submitted to state legislators: An Economic Analysis of the Certificate of Public Advantage Agreement Between the State of North Carolina and Mission Health. Vistnes examines the local and regional impacts of the 1995 agreement, which set guidelines for the merger of Mission and St. Joseph hospitals. In April, Franklin, N.C., orthodontist Sen. Jim Davis, Republican, proposed SB 698, a bill calling for further review of the COPA.